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***james pov***

After the fiasco with zoe in the wardrobe I tried to keep my distance because she is with Ashton. But there's a part of me that is drawn towards her...

I hate this though, Why me? Why can't I have a girlfriend who loves me and me, her? Why do I have he hard choice. Or no choice...

"James mate" Luke's voice was heard down the phone I just answered.

"Sorry, go on." my voice sounded distracted.

"Well- I was calling- for um- advice on girls. A GIRL." he stuttered, "there's this one I really like but I don't know if she likes me.." I could practically see him fidgeting with his long fingers.

"Tell her before its too late." My voice was hard and stern like a father, I didn't want anyone to go through the emotional state I'm in... I sound like a girl so much now. Great.

Shocked at my bluntness and short advice her thanked me and hung up, sighing I grabbed a beer and laid on the cream colored sofa and turned the tv on.

"James!!" Tilting my head back I sprung up and jogged outside to where brad was.

"Do you know chloe. Well... I was thinking of taking her to nandos then going to the park and I wanted to know what you thought?"

"For fuck sake!! Has every one got to mention their fucking girlfriends" brad mentioned him and chloe not dating through my rant, "or who they are in fuckin love with!!?! Fuck sake!!"

"James, calm down dude!" Tristan walked up to us with four cans of coke in hand. "You'll never guess who I've just been talking to on the phone and what's gone off!!" Looking at his giddy state it must be good gossip!

"Connor!! Get your ass down here I have to tell you all something!" Thumps were heard throughout the house before we saw the blonde boy with only a towel around his waist.

"What?!" He looked pissed, which was only a recent thing.

He has been really mardy with us since he hasn't been with kaela... I think them two will end up together because their both dipsy, childish, cute, funny and sarcastic. Their basically made for each other or related... EWWW!! Get that out. NO INCEST!! Forget I said that James...

"As I was saying, I have news!," Tristan's rubbed his large hand together and handed us our drinks sitting down at the side of our pool. Opening my coke i sat infront of him. "I was just talking to chloe on the phone". Brads eyes lit up but filled with concern, "and YES brad, she's fine, but calum, Niall and Harry aren't"

Confused you could basically SEE us leaning forward.

"The once direction and five SOS lad went to Ashton's place for a dinner as he said he has news... But they never knew the news was going to be..." Tristan bits out laughing, not finishing, pissed off at Ashton's name; he was so lucky to have zoe. "The news was... Oh my gosh!!"

"Just tell us!," I yelled impatient.

"Alright, alright! The news was... ZOE'S PREGNANT!" Everything stopped. Time. Wind. Light, and my heart beat. The only thing i heard was my heart trying to kill itself at it was in so much pain.

Swaying side to side as I rose from the floor, the lads kept calling my name, I just ignored them and walked into the house, grabbing my wallet and jacket I choose to go out. And drink until my problems were ALL gone.


What's gonna happen to James ? And what about Ashton jr. ???

By minions,


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