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*** Chloe's POV ***

So me and the girls decided to go the cinema tonight cause I promised them we'd have a girly night after the incident acouple if days ago with charley Ann, so that's why I am currently in my room applying my makeup including mascara, light eyeshadow and lipstick. I've already straightened my hair and the girls are downstairs waiting for me while I put my salmon pink dress that sits above my knees and my cream wedges that's make me look really tall! I grab my bag and walk downstairs.

"You ready to go" I said in a serious tone, the girls all replied with a yes and a nod of their heads. Tonight was about me and the girls, which were Zoe, lauren (we switched numbers and became good friends), Charley Ann, atalia, Michaela and Caitlin.


After a Long car ride and jamming out to artic monkeys we now have arrived at half 7 and me and the girls are queuing up to buy our tickets.

"So what do you want to watch"I said praying for them to say divergent.

" the quiet ones sounds good I've been wanting to see it for ages" Zoe said in her hyper voice. She could get to hyper sometimes and faint because her adrenaline rush gets to much for her. Lol.

"Your so gay" charley ann said trying to be serious but We all burst out laughing and as I turned to my left a boy stood with brown hair with perfect curls and amazing hazel eyes- OMG It's brad!!

"hey" brad said flicking back his hair

"what a coincidence" I said totally ignoring the girls conversation. "What you here for?" I said breaking the silence.

"Where going to see a film duh...Pompeii to be exact... James' choice." He rolled his gorgeous eyes.

"Oh yeah aha, we're seeing Zoe's shitty film called the silent ones?? hey why don't u come and watch it with me- us so I don't get bored" I said trying to be cool, but I just wanted him there because that film looked scary as fuck on the tv above us.

"Yeah that would be great" brad smiled making butterflies erupt in my stomach. "Connor actually wanted to see this film! I'll just tell the lads then. Come with me so I can sit with you?"

Did he just ask me to go with him? Agh!! Shit I need to reply. "Yes ok" real cool Chloe... Real cool -_-


All the way through the movie I felt brad glance at me from the side of me. We actually held hands when I got scared!

The film had finished and we were all coming out of the dark room.

"That was actually quiet good! Did you see my baby act in that!! He was amazing! When he cried I cried, when he was scared I was scared, when he-" Charley Ann jumped up and down from excitement, It ended in her groaning because she hurt BROKEN arm in the red pot.

I sighed chuckling, "well I guess we better get back then" I said sadly looking at brad. He grabbed my hand which took me by surprise and clearly everyone else.

"Actually me and the lads were heading back for a game night. Like truth or dare, spin the bottle and hide and seek in the dark?" I giggled at brads kiddy side and looked to the girls for confirmation.

Atalia spoke first, "I actually have to get back, Liam is picking me up, I'm staying at his before him and the boys go on tour." She explaine excited. And yes, atalia is dating THE Liam Payne! They met at a concert, he instantly fell for her brown flawless skin and chocolate eyes, I can't blame him though, I kept telling her body shape was perfect and I was jealous. She was average height and really sarcastic, most people thinks she's joking with them but she's actually being bitchy because she hates them. It's so funny !

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