Chalrey ann's pov

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***charley Ann's pov***

<before Zoe and James went back to the house>

Oh. my. fuck.

How much drama shit has been happening since Chloe met brad????

I was just walking back from playing COD with luke and Calum when I saw a tall blonde man with black ray bans and a moustache litterly ran past- knocking me out the way causing my head to slam into the wall. ouch, douche bag.

"I am so sorry" his strong accent apologised as he inspected my head.

"If your looking for your dick, then you'll need a magnifying glass" I glared at the laughing man.

"No I'm just checking your okay- ooh seems you have quiet a nasty cut" he showed me the blood on his fingers and I rolled my eyes

"Lol" before I could start walking he offered to clean the cut up at his apartment.

"You might be a stalker and ra- wait. I'm charley ann, yolo. let's go!" he looked at me weirdly even through his glasses but I ignored it and walked where he was jogging.

I don't do that shit man. Even if I am in my hoodie and leggings.

We stopped at a big building and he lead me to his room which was at the top and said 'golden suite'.

As we went in he took his glasses of and moustache. fake man- wait- holy shit.

"Your Sam claflin!" I screeched. he smiled and stared in my eyes until his smile disappeared as soon as it came.

"Oh dear god. your that girl from the party from a couple of months ago!" he shouted throwing pillows and books at me.

"Jeez. I was drunk... I'm sorry" I laughed, he also found the memory funny as he joined me.

"Let's start over then". He shook my hand, "the names claflin, Sam claflin" he spoke in a deep British accent.

"You aren't James fuckin bond" I laughed, "I'm Charley ann finkle. don't ever say that again" I glared at his red face. he was trying not to laugh.

He failed and was on the floor with tears coming out, "oh god. I haven't laughed like This in ages"

"Yeah, I haven't heard someone laugh like this in ages..." I sighed. I was always so care free but deep down it bothers me and all of the drama gets to me.

Sam stood up and brushed himself down, he walked over to a drawer and pulled an envelope out.

"I can tell something has happened so here..." he handed me the medium sized card, "I think you and your mates could use a nice holiday to just relax and zone out of reality"

"No. I can't take it, it's yours" I pushed the paper back but he only scolded me and argued.

"Now let's get that cut sorted" I stalked towards the bathroom and sat on the bath side.

"It seem every time we meet I hurt you. I broke your arm last time and now I brain damage you- wait. I just increase your brain damage". I whacked his arm and he shut up.

"Well thanks for everything fag" I called to sam.

"You have my number so don't forget to call me" I nodded and walked away.

Now back to my drama filled life with all my crazy ass mates.

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