Chapter 2 - Beginning

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Mikasa's POV:

Its been 2 years since Levi and I were married. We were given a beautiful child named, Samantha. Luckily, the administration of the school I am working on is understanding and let me have a short vacation until I can work again. 

Levi was still in his company so that leaves me here with Samantha. She really loves his father so much. When he gets home from work, she quickly starts wobbling her body and he goes to her to shower her with kisses. 

On the other hand, I rarely visit the school when she was born. Luckily, the school allows me to enter. They all know me so much. But there is this feeling inside me that someone is watching or following me. Like someone who gives me nightmares from before. 

I was at home, I was making Samantha's food. The door opened and it revealed Levi. Samantha is doing it again. She keeps wobbling her body and laughs. After he gave me a kiss on the cheek, he went to her and carried her up while showering her with kisses. This is making me very happy. 

"Okay, enough you two. Its time for dinner." I said. I ate earlier than them so that I could feed her with some baby food I made. "Open wide." I said, holding the spoon as it entered her mouth. She tapped her hand on the table and I heard Levi chuckled.

"Thats my girl." he said, walking to us and pats her head. "Yeah, she looks exactly like you. Like a carbon copy of you." I said, giggling. "Indeed, but she got the color of your eyes and skin." he said back.

After eating, I went to her room and put her on her crib. I gave her a goodnight kiss and sang her a lullaby. Once she was in deep sleep, I went out the room and turned off the lights. I arrived in our room and what came up to me is Levi on his laptop doing business stuff.


Hey guyss!! I know this chapter is boringgg because I am waiting for something to get releasedd. Anywayss byeee.

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