Chapter 7 - Graduation

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/Timeskip~ March 28~10:30AM/

Samantha's POV:

YIEEE!!! Today is my graduation~! That means, another chapter of life is coming. At the moment, me, mom, Aunt Anne, Joyce, Uncle Eren, and Remar is currently getting prepared. Especially me and Joyce were the graduates so were the ones to be done first. Uncle Eren can handle Remar, he's a guy anyway.

My mom had to let early because she had some things to fix in the venue. It was at the 'Ackerman Company, 3rd Floor Event Center' I don't know but my mom looked worried at the venue. It'll start at 2PM sharp. "Hey Samantha." Joyce asked. "What is it?" I replied. "No matter what happens, were still best friends okay?" she said, smiling. "Of course we will. To me you already are a sister to be honest. Including Remar." I said, smiling back. 

"Okay, girls! Wear your togas and were gonna leave soon." Aunt Anne said as she handed our togas. We hurriedly wore it because excitement is killing us right now. I really am excited to receive my medals, although I know my awards and honor, I'm still hyped. We went down and left immediately.

/Timeskip~1:30PM~ 30 minutes before the ceremony starts/

Mikasa's POV:

"Phew! That work was done, finally." I said to myself. "Just on time, some parents are arriving. I can see them from down here." Mina Carolina, the grade 12 adviser said. "Okay, places everyone!" Reiner Braun, the grade 8 adviser said. Before I went in my place, I asked Aeris Swift, the principal of the school I'm working in "Uhm, Mam Aeris where am I gonna sit? I'll be my daughter's guardian. Am I gonna stay with you teachers or with her?" I asked. "Beside your daughter, then when the members and staff go in, you'll get out of your seat and join us. Get that?" she narrated. I nodded in agreement. 

But, I feel shivers around my spine. Maybe Levi is here. Maybe he'll see Samantha. Samantha will meet his father. I don't know if she'll be ready to accept him, because of the thing  I saw and that haunts me til' now. I shooked my head and saw Anne, Eren, Remar, Joyce and Samantha on their togas. I planted a smile on my face, until a familiar figure appeared. The figure stared at me, smiling with eyes mixed with happiness and sadness. 

/Timeskip~2PM Sharp/
Samantha's POV:
"May we request all to stand for the opening prayer to be led by Joyce Jaeger." Sr. Mark said. Joyce went up the stage and said her prayer. After that, it was the entrance of colors, it was CAT of our school. "May we request Samantha Ackerman to come up stage for the singing of the national anthem." Sr. Mark said as I went up and started conducting.


Samantha's POV:

"For the 3rd Honorable Mention, we have Leonyl Smith." Ms. Teresa said. As Leonyl went up with his mother to receives his medal. "For the 2nd Honorable mention, we have Merah Hoover." Ms. Teresa called out as she went up with her father to receive it. "For the 1st Honorable Mention, we  have Nicole Kirstein." she said once more and did the whole process once again. "For the 2nd Honor, we have Anne Jaeger." she called out and she did the whole process. "And last but not the least, the 1st Honor for this year is Samantha Ackerman." she said, as I walked out of my seat and went up on stage with mom alongside me. Until a guy with a white marco polo stopped at where he stood and smiled. Does he know me? Do I know him?

Mikasa's POV:

I went up stage to accompany my little valedictorian. She never ever let me go up the stage without receiving her award. I put the medal on her and then I saw...him. He is staring at us...he smiled...I know Samantha noticed it too. We went down the stage and she went back to her seat and I went back to mine.

"Mikasa, the boss of this building is here." Sasha Springer, the grade 5 adviser said. "I know, and he was once my— " I was cut off when Sasha covered my mouth. "Most of all the employees here are watching." she said. "Indeed. Some of the kids' parents are working here, so that is a advantage." I said.


Samantha's POV:

"I'll miss you all!" we all said as we took one more selfie. "Anne, you go home first. I'll take Samantha home myself. You've done a lot." I heard mom said. "Okay. Bye!" Aunt Anne said, waving goodbye. "Reiner, can you watch Samantha for me? I have to go somewhere. Please? If you need me, I'll be om the 25th floor, 1st room." she said, politely. He nodded in agreement as he took me somewhere I can rest.

Mikasa's POV:

I went up the elevator and reached the 25th floor. I knocked on the door which said 2501. A cold voice replied to me, "What do you want brat?" "Can't you see I'm doing paperworks here?" he said as I entered he door. "Oi, I said I'm busy would get the fuck out?" he said, not looking at me. "Levi. Its me." 


Hey guyss! I finally updatedd! I havent reviewed for the interview for the past days cause yeah, I've been thinking about this chapter so, I'll be reviewing now. BYEEE!

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