Chapter 5 - More Shit Happened

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Mikasa's POV:

"LEVI WHAT THE FUCK HELL?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Samantha was beside me, crying really loud. "MIKASA I CAN EXPLAIN!!!" he shouted, pushing that gingered hair girl causing her to fell on the floor agressively.

"No explaining. I completely understand. YOU LIKE THAT GINGERED HAIR MORE THAN THE GIRL YOU MARRIED!" I shouted once more, but even louder this time. His employers were peeking in his door but I don't have time to give a shit of them.

"MIKASA ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" he shouted. Samantha was still crying but even more louder. She runs to me crying while holding onto my legs. "C'mon Samantha lets go. We have no time for nonsense here." I said, coldy walking out of the room. Tch, that idiot. 

Levi's POV:

"Sir...will we continue?" Petra said, smirking with a seductive voice. I slapped her real hard that made one of her cheeks turn real red. "WHAT THE HELL?! YOU CAME HERE JUST TO DO THAT DON'T YOU KNOW I HAVE A FUCKING WIFE AND A DAUGHTER?! BITCH CAN YOU USE YOUR BRAIN! YOUR FIRED!" I shouted, with all my anger they turned into tears. 

I looked onto the door and saw many employees peeking everywhere. I wiped my tears and shouted, "WELL WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?! GO BACK TO WORK OR I'LL FIRE YOU ALL!" once I said that they all rushed to their rooms and floors to finish their work. Grah, I went to my friend's  office which was Erwin.

He was a very kind and understanding friend. I've known him ever since. I knocked on his office door and luckily he let me in. I told him the shit I'm in right now. I told him everything and he gave me a option. "Levi, you should to talk to her about it, maybe you two will fix this. If she still doesn't believe you, then you have no choice."he states. "No choice but what?" I asked. "No choice but to divorce from her." he said, sadly. "WHAT THE HELL NO WAY I'M GONNA DIVORCE FROM HER!" I shouted in disagreement.

I quickly left his office, rushing to my car and went home. I don't care about the meeting, my family should be first. 

Mikasa's POV:

I went home and packed my things also Samantha's. After that, I quickly got dressed along with her as we left home. Before we left, I took off the ring he slid on our proposal and wedding day. I put a paper and wrote there:

'Goodbye Levi, thanks for the memories.' I wrote as I put the rings on top of it. We then left the house. I asked my brother, Eren to let me stay in his house luckily he agreed. Its alright with Anne so...I'll have no problem with that.

Levi's POV:

I drove quickly as possible to reach them at the house. Once I arrived, I twisted the doorknob and it was open. I then went inside and searched for them. I searched the whole house but I found none. But then I noticed something in the was...the rings...I gave to Mikasa...I fell onto my knees and sobbed like a idiot. Mikasa...Samantha...I'm Sorry...

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