Chapter 12 - Surprise Anniversary

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(May 31, 2018. 13th Wedding Anniversary of Levi Ackerman and Mikasa Ackerman)

(I recommend ya'll to play the aot s2 soundtrack, the sad ones cause I'm listening to it while doing this)

Eren's POV:

Today is my day off. Because its the time of the year where Mikasa and Levi are married on this day. Although, Mikasa doesn't like to commemorate this day. But Anne, Samantha, Joyce and I planned something for today.

I told Samantha their wedding was today, weeks ago. Our plan will be a huge success I can feel it. "Oi Eren! Are the things ready?" My wife, Anne asked. "It is now, hun." I replied. "I'm gonna go check the kids." she said. "Go ahead then." I replied, then she walked away. 

I checked some things like the decorations and stuff since Annie and Bertholdt took Mikasa out. I called Levi the day before today and told him that we are planning for their anniversary. I just hope everything we worked hard for is worth it. 

"The kids are doing a great job on the cake. Their calligraphy skills are very amazing." Anne came back. "I know right." I said as I pulled her into nice tight hug. "This is why I married a angry german boi." she mumbled. But I continued to hug her. "Love you~" I said as I kissed her forehead. "I love you too." she replied back as she pecked my lips.

"The icing did taste good you know that Joyce." I heard the kids were on their way here. "Yeah, its because we did the procedures correctly." I heard Samantha said. I broke the kiss, and saw the 2 kids standing still as they handed the cake to Anne. "It looks great you two. I'm proud." Anne said as she patted both of their heads.

Then my phone vibrated. Someone is calling. I got out my phone then saw that Levi was calling. "Excuse me for a second." I said, answering the call. 

Levi: Oi Jaeger, when will I come over?

Eren: You can come now. For now, Mikasa is still out with Annie and Bertholdt.

Levi: I'm on my way. Goodbye.

Eren: Okay, see ya!

End of call

"Well, who is it?" Anne asked. "Levi. He's on his way." I answered. "Good, while Mikasa is gone he should be right on time." she said. "We'll look out for mom." Samantha said, putting her arm around Joyce. "Sure. Be careful." I said. They nodded in agreement, as they ran to the terrace.

Then a knock on the door was heard. Its probably Levi. I went to get the door as I saw Levi in his very formal wear. "Come inside. Mikasa isn't here yet so it would take a few minutes or hours for her to arrive." I said, as he entered. "Where is Samantha?" he asked. "Upstairs, looking out for her." I said. "Oh, so the kids planned this too eh?" he said. "Yeah, mostly they planned this whole thing." I said. 

Meanwhile with Mikasa 

"Mikasa, would want that dress?" Annie said. "Sure. I'm gonna try it on." I said, getting the dress then went into the fitting room. It looks nice on me. The laces on the end gives it a very nice look. Why are Annie and Bertholdt acting so weird today...something smells so fishy. Eh, I gotta enjoy this day.

I took it off, then wore my previous clothes, then went out. I paid for it then was about to go home but Annie stopped me. "Mikasa, I have something to tell you." she said to me. "What is it?" I asked. "Do you remember something special today?" she asked me. "I know, its me and Levi's wedding anniversary. How would that be special if he kissed another woman in front of—" "MIKASA WHAT THE FUCK THAT WAS 12 DAMN YEARS AGO FOR PETE SAKE!" she said, yelling at me. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that." she apologized. 

"'re right...Its been 12 years ever since that happened...and I haven't moved on from that shit..." I said to myself. " finally realized...haven't you..?" she said to me. Instead of answering, I hugged her tightly. "Come on, lets go home. I'll call Bertholdt." she said to me. I nodded. 

Annie's POV:

I texted Bertholdt that we were going home and after I sent it, I then called Anne to let her know that were going back there. I kept my phone as I went down with Mikasa and saw Bertholdt in his car. We rode in there as he handed Mikasa a blindfold. "Put that on." he said. "For what." she said. "Just put it on, you'll see later." he said again. She sighed then put on the blindfold.

Anne's POV:

"Eren, they're coming." I informed them. "Already? Okay then, Levi would you go upstairs?" Eren said. "Whatever brat. I'll go check on my child." he replied, coldly as ever. He went up which left me and Eren downstairs. Minutes later, I heard Bertholdt's car parked outside. Annie opened the door as Mikasa was blindfolded and Bertholdt was guiding her by holding both of her hands.

"Eren, go get Levi and the kids now. Tell them to be damn quiet." I whispered. "Yeah, sure." he replied as he went up but they met halfway down the stairs. "Great, Levi hold her hands." I whispered. He followed my command and he held his hands on hers. He turned back at me as I gave him the signal to kiss her. 

Levi's POV:

I finally kissed her...GRAH I MISSED HER SOFT LIPS! "Mikasa, take off your blindfold" Anne said. As I broke the kiss. She took it off and she was shocked of whom she kissed. Me. "L-levi is that really you?" she said, stuttering. "Yeah, duh. What the hell do you think I am, am I a fucking ghost?" I said, laughing. "OH LOOK LEVI IS LAUGHING GUYS GET YOUR PHONES." Eren said. "Jaeger, your dead to me." I gave him a death glare as I said that. "Levi...can I talk to you...upstairs?" she said. "Yeah whatever." I said, going upstairs while she was following.

Once we arrived, she started to hug me tightly while crying. "Whats the problem of all of  a sudden?" I asked. "Levi...I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!" she said. "Its fine, my fault in the first place. Thats like 13 years ago, forget that." I said, hugging her tightly. "So it means were gonna be together under one roof again?" she asked. "Yeah. I love you." I said, as I was holding her chin and we were about to kiss but then Eren and the others were watching. 

"Oi! I know all of you are there! So quit hiding." I yelled, as they started appearing one by one. "Samantha." Mikasa called out. "What is it mom?" she asked. "Pack your things were leaving." she said. "WHA?! WHERE ARE WE GOING?!" she yelled. "Were gonna live with your father now." Mikasa said with a huge curve on her face. She gasped as she ran to pack her stuff. "Well? Lets eat before Sasha arrives." Jean teased as we all laughed.


"Bye, Joyce! I'm gonna miss you~" I said, hugging her tightly. "Me too. Don't forget me okay?" she said. "How will I if were classmates?" I said, as the both of us laughed. "Samantha, its time to go." Mikasa said. "I'm coming mom. Bye Joyce! See you tomorrow at school!" I said, waving goodbye. I went into dad's car as he started the engine. 

"Its good to be like this again, I missed the feeling." Mikasa said. "I know right, I feel it too." I said.  "Wait, the song in radio, dad can you louden it up a bit?" Samantha said. I did what she said and she yelled, "YESS BTSSS FAKE LOVEE YAAAAS" she's a total fangirl of them and its fine for me.

We arrived home, and then they started unpacking. Of course, I was helping. After that, we all went to sleep. But I got something in a box and I was going to give it to her again. Yep, its her ring. "Mikasa." I called out. "Yeah?" she replied. "Remember this?" I said, opening the box. "Its my ring. I left it here 13 years ago..." she said. I slid it onto her ring finger as she pecked my lips. "I love you. I'll never leave you ever again." she said. "I will not leave you also. And I will never do something terrible. Ever." I said, as I laid on bed beside her. "Goodnight." I said, kissing her forehead. (Levi is topless, ayieee thank me later okay I'll leave.) "Goodnight." she said as she snuggled onto me. 


Hey Guys! I hope you all like my story. I am sorry for not updating for like weeks, school was coming up and I can't update. So I updated it now. Hoped you enjoyed. Loveya! Happy Readinggg~!!!

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