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~6 Years Later~
Eren's POV:
"Are all the things set, Eren?" Mikasa asked. "Yeah." I responded." If you are all asking what today is well it's Samantha's 18th Birthday. We were at the venue, putting decorations as she was picking her gown for later with Levi.

It was all free because its his daughter's celebration anyways so he didn't mind. All of his employees are invited too, also Samantha's former friends. She doesn't have a partner at this age because like she said, "Study first, Uncle Eren. Those relationships can wait, It can distract me which can make me out of focus across studies" her words played on my head over and over as I shook my head.

"Eren, I'll go for a while. I have to check on Levi and Samantha." she asked for permission as I only nodded in approval. Then she left.

Levi's POV:
"Well, Samantha? What do you pick?" I asked her. "Hm...the blue one seems fine." she said, pointing onto the cloth. I got the dress then went over to the cashier to pay for it of course. "Thank you dad." she said, clinging onto my right arm. The cashier gave him the dress packed up neatly. "No problem, Samantha." I said, putting my hand on her head as I kissed it.

As we were going out, I saw Mikasa. I called her out. "Mikasa!" "Levi!" she said, walking to me. "Both of you are done?" she asked. "Yeah." I replied as Samantha just gave a simple nod. "Let's go home. We have a lot of things to get ready before it starts." Mikasa said, as she intertwined her hands onto his.

//Me: *starts crying* HIDEEEEEEE~ OKAY I'LL LEAVE JEEZ.\\

As we went home, Historia and Annie did her make up since they know how to do this and that about it. I then started to get prepared too, I got my long sleeved white shirt with a black tuxedo which I bought 3 days ago with a red tie. After 5 minutes, I was finished. I looked at my self in the mirror and I look stunning.

As I was about to sit on the edge of my bed, I heard Historia and Annie squealing. As it got louder and louder, then they just opened my door without even hesistating to knock. How foolish.

"Ugh...Aunt Annie, Aunt Historia whyyyy?" she asked them, with a confused reaction. "Levi, look at your daughter she's so cuteee!" Annie said, not being a thickfaced adult. "Historia, Annie, would you two leave me?" I requested as they followed. Now its just me and Denise in my room.

With no ideas in mind, I involuntarily
hugged her tightly and whispered, "Samantha...I'm glad...To have a daughter like you..." I said, my eyes were getting teary but I managed to not let it drop.

"Me too, dad. I'm just delighted that you and mom are back." she then replied. The door suddenly opened, it was Mikasa. "Samantha! Dear you look gorgeous!" she says. She smiled liking the compliment.

"Lets have a family photo." I then blurted out. "Good Idea." my wife replied, simultaneously getting her phone and takes a picture of us three.

"Come on. I have still have a party to prepare to." my daughter said as she opened the door as we followed.

E N D 

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