Chapter 9 - Plans

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Samantha's POV:

WOOOHHHH!!! Vacation here I come! Its actually the day after graduation and I miss those idiots already. So we all talked about going out today and we were going to an amusement park.

I asked mom if me and Joyce can come and she agreed. Aunt Anne agreed also so there is no problem with that. We woke up around 11AM cause we stayed up until 11PM planning. 

Hours have passed, we were ready. We were about to leave when they changed the place where we are gonna meet up. It was now at mini-stop and that gave me some time to buy me my favorite drink, chillz.

We went there following the route we always use. We saw Leonyl, Benedict, Ella, and Nicole. We waited for the others for a few minutes. As we were waiting, I stood up going to the counter purchasing my chillz. I got the ube flavor and it was my favorite. It had crushed oreo cookies which made me crave for it everyday.

I bought two because I know Joyce likes this too. I offered her the one I bought and she thanked me. Once they were all complete, we were ready to go. We left, riding a taxi to Star City. 

I was beside Leonyl. Benedict was in front, Joyce was beside Leonyl. She gave me a 'Good for you' look which made me giggle. Merah and the others rode on a different vehicle to go there. Once we all arrived, we all put our money together and its amount is $100 so it means we are gonna do the 'ride all you can' ticket.

We all parted paths when the others want different rides. Me and Joyce went to the extreme rides first because we love it. We first rode on the rollercoaster which was very high and extremely fast. We were screaming our lungs. 


We all had great time. But we have to end it. We all went home by walking because taxis are currently rejecting us. While we were walking, a car honked at us from the back. The window in the front seat opened and it was a blonde haired guy with thick eyebrows. We all turned our heads around and then Leonyl blurted out, "D-dad? What are you doing here?" "I'm supposed to be asking why are you here." he responded.

"We went out. We missed each other even though yesterday we still saw each other." I said. "Oi, Erwin. Are you done? I wanna go fucking home." a familiar voice said. Wait...that sounds fami— DAD?! "Levi, yeah I'm done." Erwin said. "W-wait! Are you Levi Ackerman?" I asked. "Yeah, why—Samantha?!" dad said.


Sorry for the wait, this chapter is nonsense so yeah deal with it I have no ideas. Also the trailer for season 3 is out now! Can't wait for it! Anyways, sorry for this short chapter. I know it sucks. Okay byee~!❤️

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