Chapter 11 - I still love you~

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Mikasa's POV:

I rolled my eyes when I saw Anne escorting Samantha to her room. She just gets worse and worse when she gets older. I sighed and then grabbed my bag then went to the bar with Annie. I wanted someone to accompany me while I'm drinking. She knew everything that happened to me for the past years.

I went to the bar and saw Annie standing there, while scrolling down on her phone. "Hey Annie." I greeted. "Hey Mikasa, shall we go?" she asked. "Lets go." I said, as we went to the door and entered the bar. We ordered 2 bottles of liquior and she told me she'll only drink few because Bertholdt, her husband might go crazy again. We don't want the incident to happen again, when we were seniors at high school, Annie drank a whole bottle of liquor herself. She went home to Bertholdt's and spent the night there. Annie told me of what Bertholdt did that day. He was so strict of her.

I started drinking but she was just there, with her phone as her fingers typing quickly. I continued drinking until I lost control of myself at the 2nd bottle. "Anniee~" I said, really drunk. "Mikasa, stop you had enough. I'll take you home." she said, patting my back while she was holding my right hand. "Nuuu~ I want moree~!" I said. "Your really drunk! No buts, I'll take you home Mikasa." she said, pulling me from my shirt. "Nooo! I love Leviii~ Pleasee forrgivvee meeee *hic*" I said, completely out of control. "MIKASA WHAT THE HELL?!" she shouted. "Levi~~ Marry me againnn~!" I said. 

Annie's POV:

"Levi~~Marry me againnnn~!" she said, completely out of herself. I sighed. I got  out my phone and then called Levi. He answered.

L: Hello, what the hell is this?

A: Levi, its me Annie. Can you pick me up at the bar? 

L: What bar, specifically?

A: Hyebin's Karaoke Bar. 

L: I'm on my way, sayonara.

A: Sayonaraa!

End of phonecall

After 7 minutes, I saw him walking towards me and he was so shocked of what he saw. "Wait is that—" "Yeah, I know just help me get her into your van." I said, cutting him off. He carried her bridal style. "Thanks Levi. You know she completely lost herself when she was drunk." I informed him. "What was she saying?" he asked. "I'll send it later. I recorded it. I better get going bamboo man aka my over protective husband must be waiting." I said, waving goodbye. After he left, I walked back home because it was only walking distance and saw Bertholdt, on one of his sleeping positions.

I giggled. I guess its gonna rain later night. I went upstairs and then changed into my PJ's and then slept. But before I slept, I sent Levi the voice message. 

Levi's POV:

I was driving until my I heard my phone vibrated. It was Annie with the voice message. I played it and I didnt notice I was crying. "Don't worry Mikasa, You'll be mine again later. If you only forgived me we shouldn't be like this right now." I sighed. Then we arrived at her home, I knocked on the door, Jaeger opened it then I told him to place Mikasa on her room then I went home. Oh Mikasa. If only I can go back to the pastand correct those mistakes...

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