Chapter 4 - Shit Happened

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Levi's POV:

BEEP BEEP!!! My phone rang as I got up the bed, halfway. BEEP BEE- I turned it off and got out. I did my normal routine. I got in to a hot shower and then got dressed. Before I went in my car, I first checked my report for later.

I finished in a lot last night which only left me a few stuff to finish later at my office. I went to our room (Mikasa and his room), and I kissed Mikasa's forehead then went to Samantha's room and I repeated the same process.

I went out and got into my black lamborgini and drove to my office. It was currently 9:30AM so I guess I still have more time to finish the report. I arrived there around 10:00AM cause of the traffic jam that occured today. 

People or lets say employers are greeting me 'Good Morning Sir. Levi.' , 'Sir. Levi! Goodluck for the meeting later!' and some other nice greetings. Ah...this enlightens up my mood. I arrived in my office and the first thing I noticed is great more shit. Paperwork. Really? 

I sat on my chair and started finishing my report. While working I was looking at the picture I had on my desk, it was us when it was our wedding. And the other one was hung up on the wall and it was a potrait of my 2 loved ones.

 And the other one was hung up on the wall and it was a potrait of my 2 loved ones

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I planted a smile on my face but it went upside down cause of the knocking on the door later on

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I planted a smile on my face but it went upside down cause of the knocking on the door later on. Ugh...can this day get any worse? It was my secretary, Petra Ral. What does she want now?

"Uh, Sir...I have to tell you something." she started. "Go on..." I said. "Sir., do not take me wrong but I like you. I don't know why but It just came all of a sudden." she said. " you have feelings towards me eh?" I questioned. "That is Sir. but it really is awkward because you have a wife and a child and I am just a worker." she said, good thing is she knows its very awkward. "I see, is that all?" I need to end this nonsence so I'll finish my report and fucking paperwork. "Yes." she replied. "Dismissed." I said, pointing at the door. 

But she stopped in the middle of the room and she froze there. "Oi, are you alright?" I said, loud enough for her to hear. No response. "Oi!" I said as I was walking to her, getting near her. I grabbed both of her shoulders and shook her, very intense. But what I knew is that her lips crashed onto mine while I was shaking her. Her hands were on my back. I try to let go but she was too strong. Ughh...

Mikasa's POV: (Earlier before shit had happened to Levi just now brought to you by Erwin's thick eyebrows. :3)

It was 12PM and it was already lunch. I decided to cook Levi's lunch and put in a container. My 1 year old girl, Samantha wants to come because she is currently on my leg, she tightens her grip which made me giggle. I finished cooking and went to a shower. Also Samantha, were both ready. 

I went to the garage and started my car. Which was a white ferrari. I first put in the baby seat and placed her there. Afterwards, I went to his office. Everyone knows me there, since when I was pregnant Levi would actually bring me there so...yeah. 

Everyone greeted me and said that she has gotten big. (Samantha is the topic.) I went to the elevator and I still know his floor and room. It was floor 25 and the room number was 2501 he was the first room. I went inside and I was in shock when I saw it.

"LEVI WHAT THE FUCK HELL?!" I screamed on top of my lungs.

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