Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Ulrick POV

I got up early to catch my flight to Denmark. Somehow I have this gleeful feeling - an anticipation of seeing her. It's been four long years since I last talked to her. That winsome smile adorned on those captivating pink lips always causes my heart to skip a beat. There were many times I called her just to listen to her melodious voice but couldn't dare to express my feelings to her. As soon as I would hear her soft tone, I would disconnect the call.

Our parents have been family friends since long. Uncle Alejandro had always seen me as his son. In such a situation how could I afford to develop feelings for Ana? Anastasia ruled my heart since the time I attained my puberty. Nobody can or nobody will take her place in my kernel. But the only glitch here is she will always be my secret love.

Today finally I'm going to meet her again and the feeling makes my heart go dancing like a little boy who is going to receive his Christmas gift. Would she still remember me?

Though I am a thousand miles away from her, I watch every move of her to ensure myself that she is safe. Call it unconditional love or stupidity, I am not sure. Because the reality is I wouldn't be able to breathe in peace without seeing her even for a day. She is my love, my spirit, and my angel.

A few months ago I almost met with a heart attack. I was watching her like always through my CCTV. She doesn't know, she is 24/7 in my radar. One of her friends invited her to a party and a boy tried to exploit her. Unquestionably through my men I shred that muck to a rag and no one knows about it to date.

My mom called me yesterday and told me about the tribulation her family recently underwent. Uncle Alejandro had been shot and Aunt Priya succumbed to a coma after witnessing her husband almost dead with the bullet piercing in him. No sooner had I heard the news from my mom I went to an alarm. I could imagine the amount of trauma she might be undergoing right now. The only thing I want to do is hug her tightly and tell her everything is going to be alright. I will take care of her and the killer will soon reach his worst time on earth. But could I?

I booked the flight to Denmark on the same day to pursue the matter. Ana is my family and I spare no one who dares to touch her happiness.

Taking leave from work even for a day is nearly impossible for me as a CEO. There are thousands of families depend on Hazelwood Group of Industries. Getting into my private jet I opened the laptop. Soon her beautiful face came into view. I placed her picture as my computer's wallpaper.

Ana was dressed in a pink long gown, looking like a fairy and was smiling at the camera before blowing out the candles of her cake. It was her 14th birthday. I was 20 and the next day I was supposed to catch a flight to California because I got my admission to Stanford University to complete my master's in business analytics.

It was also the time when I realized I had feelings for her. I love her and it was the dawn of my realization clear to me like a day. It hit me like a tunnel. However I could do nothing but to accept it.

My father always wanted me to complete my MS at a reputed foreign university so I grabbed the opportunity to keep myself away from her. It is the best move at that juncture for keeping my sanity intact. She is like a family to me and her parents treated me like their son. Loving her is a sin I should never commit and I tried my very best to submerge the arduous emotion.

I came once to meet my parents after completion of my studies, before taking over our family business and it was when she went to meet her grandparents as it was her vacation time too. Though one side of my heart craved to see her, the other taught me better that it is always best for me to be away from her.

She is much younger than me and I shouldn't be nourishing such passionate feelings towards her. I began to blow my ears chanting the same mantra for years. Now after four long years of sequestration, I'm returning to my family home.

With infinite emotions, I walked ahead into the familiar mansion of creamy prolonged walls in which I spent 20 long years of mirthful life. The mansion had its usual quaint view of a beautiful garden ahead with flowers of different colors. I walked through the foyer to the main door with my mind full of thoughts and remembrances. Within seconds of ringing the doorbell my mother with a bright smile appeared in front of me and encapsulated me in her warm hug. I reciprocated her and my eyes were searching all over the enormous hall for the 'one' person who occupied my every thought till the present.

After a feeling of several eons passing, finally, my eyes meet hers. There she is, sitting on the corner sofa! My heart thuds indicating her presence as my eyes studied her carefully while hugging my mother. She gave me a pleasing long smile but I could understand better. The smile never reached her face. After so long years of remoteness, I may not be familiar with her likings but I always know her essence. That pristine naughty little girl full of mischief was no more present being replaced by a dispirit colleen.

The blatant realization clenched my soul to chips.

Her eyes were red and fluffy because probably she had been crying all night. I released my mother and my father walked towards me with a welcomed smile. He laid a hand on my shoulder and gave me a friendly pat. Returning my father's twinkle I took a few steps towards her and tucked the hair behind her ear which was covering her angelic face. She slowly lifted her eyes to meet my gaze and I could see tears welled up.

My kernel wringed like never before as though it's been tattered to pieces but not a single word came out. She looked at me with those glistened orbs and everything was absolutely clear. The world stopped moving around us as if there was nobody except she and I. No words were spoken and neither were they required.

I'm hers and it will stay that way forever.

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