Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Ana's Pov

My father is sick, my mother is in a coma. None of the things happen to be going right in my life. Among all the reprehensible happenings, the only news that I heard soothening to my ears was, I was shortly going to see Ulrick.

It had been four long years since I saw him though I happen to see his pictures in business magazines every now and then. He is considered the most sexy and youngest, the greatest successful billionaire in the country. I often read in the social media that many girls fantasize being in his arms and I am no exception. He got the magic of looks with a perfect body of a model tall and lean as an icing on the cake, wonder why he became a magnate instead of a model.

I read his every interview. But whenever the question of marriage arrived, he either cleverly diverted it or skipped the topic. With so much time spent alone, he might seldom be the man I know. These filthy rich business moguls have woman as toys at the flick of their fingers. Where is the necessity of a wedding? What if he already has a girlfriend? Just with the thought a trigger goes down my entity. Do not build unnecesary hopes on him, Ana. Why would a billionaire like him have eyes for a desolate girl like you? My inner voice promptly sounded.

My brother and I, Ulrick and his younger brother all the four of us used to play together. We were equal partners in devilry and obedience. But as I was the only girl among the four of us, I was always pampered and defended by both our parents. I had a crush on Ulrick since my teens. He is the eldest and acted mature among all of us. Ulrick used to be my best friend and supported me even when I was at fault.

It seems weird that I continue to have these unfathomable passionate feelings for him even when we spent eons away from each other. He is like a family and my love for him can never derive a fruitful conclusion. But no matter how much I try, there seems no chance to shut down those stupid emotions. Goosebumps engraft my system whenever I think of him.

It happened that one day dad caught me ogling at his picture. He asked me what was I looking for. I answered him nonchalantly that I was reading Ulrick's interview. But with the expression he gave, I could very well counter that my dad understood more than required. Giving me a knowing smile he exited the room after a nod. Thank God! There were no questions further asked. What was he thinking? Was I in trouble?

Today he is coming back. The same sentence keeps ringing in my heart. Despite everything going on in my life, I'm somewhere happy with the anticipation of seeing him. Though Gabriella's aunt was against me cooking for Ulrick as I recently fainted in the hospital, I took special care about my health not for me but for him. I wanted to impress him by preparing all of his favorite dishes. But secondly I wonder if his tastes and likings continue to be the same. His girlfriend could be a better cook than you. Maybe he likes no more of your culinary, my inner voice came mocking at me again. The thought though incisive brought churning in my stomach.

A few hours later...

There was a ringing of the doorbell and soon I could hear his sexy macho voice. He looked the same but much more virile with more than six feet in height, tall and lean. The magazines and newspaper did little justice to his charisma. He was much better an attractive man in person. My heart swelled with his presence when I thought I was standing in the same room he was and breathing the same air he left.

Exhibiting a supreme persona he was dressed in his business suit as though going to hold a meeting with a group of business delegates. Does this hot hunk have nothing else to wear? I glanced at his urbane grey suit which fit him perfectly like it was tailor made for him. The way it was adorning his broad shoulders, I could clearly say, he does a lot of work-out. My lips quivered at his fervid gaze. His thick black hair was elegantly combed to perfection. Examining his most minute detail a shiver runs down my spine encapsulated by carnal cravings. My heart was screaming to go and hug him and feel his powerful masculinity under my palms but my eyes were stupid not to cooperate. They started tearing up, especially after seeing him for such long years.

His sharp black eyes at once focused on me, as though looking into my soul reading my feelings. In powerful long suit clad steps, he came to me after hugging his mom and pushed the strands of hair that were covering my face. No words were spoken between us but his looks were intense on me. I zeroed into his eyes seeing everything crystalline coherent and breathed a sigh of relief.

My man is back.

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