Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Ulrick Pov

I got up early to go to the hospital to meet Ana's father. I don't know when it started but now I almost see him like my father. Ana's brother Vance left their house two years ago when he came to know about Uncle Alijandro's involvement with Robert.

Robert is a menacing mafia leader who kills people mercilessly when they go against him or his targets are not met.  He has got a series of clubs and casinos from where he operates his mafia and converts all his black money to white. Though everyone knows what he does, there is not a single case proven against him. He either wipes the evidence before the police reaches it or kills the person holding the proof.

In the eyes of the government he is a mobster with no moles. Even the state's higher officials piss in their pants hearing his name. I still wonder why Uncle Alejandro started his business with such a dangerous man. Probably he did not know who Robert is, until his head was completely drowned in the water.

After knowing all this Vance convinced his father to stop all his business dealings with Robert. Alejandro couldn't wish to lose his son who threatened to break his ties with the family if he continues to deal with the don. As per Vance's advice, Alejandro stopped his trade with Robert but could barely keep his head above the water. The tyrant had made him suffer hell on earth. He never wanted Alejandro to leave him as the former knew many of his illegal business secrets. Since the day Robert kept blackmailing Alejandro.

His biggest fear was losing Ana. He already lost his son now he cannot lose his daughter too. Ana's involvement with the mafia is the last thing Alejandro would want from this world. His hands are already tainted and he didn't want his daughter to be a part of his sinful life. With every passing day fear consumed him more and more. Greater than physical injury it was the psychological affliction that Alejandro suffered with Robert.

Thinking about the different situations that took place in our lives, I understood entry into the mafia is in our hands but exit is no longer our call after you dig deep into it. Ana is a naive girl. She doesn't know about any of her dad's dealings with the mafia and I will make sure she doesn't as long as I am alive.

I laced up my shoes to leave for the hospital with Ana according to the advice of my father the previous day.
My beautiful doll was getting down the stairs. I stole a glance at her pristine features not making myself obvious that I was ogling at her. And my God! She looked breathtaking in that pink blouse and black pants. Her eyes were trained to her fingers which were busy fidgeting with the hem of her top....something that she does when she is tense.  Certain habits from childhood never change and continue to live with you till your grave. I could understand the pain of her. Her dad is about to leave the world and mom though breathing is hardly present among us.

A smart businessman doesn't leave a residue of his feelings in the other person's mind. On the contrary reads the features of his opponent to crack the best deal. Maintaining a stiff upper lip which the rich instilled in their children right from their childhood and not letting anything out was something I learnt right from my childhood.

Keeping a stoical face I proceeded towards the entrance holding Ana's hand and pulled her along with me. Feeling the warmth of her skin gave me solace. I waved to my mother who was standing at the entrance before starting the vehicle.

We went to Uncle Alijandro's room. His eyes were closed and he looked very weak. To say his diseased appearance broke my heart is an understatement. There were various tubes attached to his body. Seeing him in such a vulnerable state made my blood boil. I'm going to kill that bastard. But this was not the time or place to lose my temper. Ana was with me and I don't want her to fear me and run away.

Controlling my emotions I raised my hand to hold uncle's hand. He immediately opened his eyes and gave a weak smile to me. His gaze moved towards Ana and he beckoned her to come near him. As soon as she reached him, he pulled her into a hug and his eyes became glossy. He enquired about her wellbeing and had a small chat with both of us. After a while, he sent Ana to get him his diet from the hospital nutrition department.

I knew it was a reason to keep her away from the truth and my heart started beating rapidly on what was the serious information that I was supposed to receive from him than the poison I had already gulped after coming back home to my family.

Just like I anticipated, soon after she left, he asked me to close the door.  Holding my hands in his weak, cold ones he brought them to his chest and held my eyes in an appeal. But I seldom knew the words he was going to speak were the words which were going to bring me at sixes and sevens.

"Ulrick, Ana's life is in threat. Robert is going to kill her. She is his next target and he told me about it very clearly. Do anything but save my daughter and fulfill this old man's last wish on his deathbed."

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