Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Ana's Pov

Six months later

I am very happy with my marriage with Ulrick. He is slowly getting me to forget all my sorrows. Though losing my dad is still a pit in my stomach, the love of my husband does miracles to help me relive out of it. Ulrick is like a blessing who entered my life to extinguish melancholy. I called my brother and told him everything about my happily ever after married life. We make love almost every day and sometimes several times a day when it is a holiday or a Sunday. My husband seems to never stop himself from taking his hands away from me.

I completed my graduation and that is another achievements about which I am proud of myself. All through the busy schedule that Ulrick leads, he always made sure to create time for me and used to help me with my studies. "My pretty little Doll is very smart and intelligent. She learns everything very quickly." He always complimented me with encouraging words. Accolades from Ulrick are very rare to hear and so I find it a great accomplishment.

I have no planned schedule these days and often get bored. Colleges have yet not invited applications for post-graduation courses. All I do is just sit and eat and sometimes chat with my mother or brother. Today Ulrick is going to bring me applications from two to three famous colleges in the city from which I can choose. I am very excited about it and waiting impatiently for him sitting in the drawing hall watching television. "Doll why are you still awake?" He asks me concerned. I observed his sky blue shirt a little wrinkled and there was a small red mark on his cheek resembling a blood spot. I took a step ahead studying his hairy cheek but he was enough smart to take the hint and evade the topic. "Doll, I am feeling tired and sleepy. Can you take out my sleepwear from the closet before I finish my bath?" He was quick to get up the stairs. Your interrogation can wait Ana. Ulrick is tired.

Every day I get up at morning eight when Ulrick wakes me up before going to the office. He still treats me like a kid and I am toiling my way out to let him see me as a grown woman. He doesn't leave to office unless he makes sure I have completed my breakfast. "You are so stubborn." I gaze at him and sigh in defeat. "Why are you always after my breakfast?" He looks at me trying to control his laughter. "It is because you behave like a child and don't eat unless I force you."

"Don't you call me a child once again?" I raise my finger at him getting up from my chair in fury. He looks at my finger and then my glaring eyes acting serious but suddenly erupted into a fit of laughter. "My little doll who can't even scare a fly on her nose is suddenly going all sassy over me?" He sniggers with a wink and moves the bowl in my direction. Making a face I look at the bowl and then at him. He looks at me with raised eyebrows daring me to speak. I put the first spoon in my mouth and lour. "This tastes like crap." Cribbing like a preschooler and playing with the spoon I hit the porcelain bowl covered with the cereal. He grabs the spoon from my hand and without saying a word starts feeding telling me stories about his office like one does to a kid in distracting him to eat. After I finish my breakfast he speaks sternly and resolved. "I cannot work peacefully unless I know, you finished your breakfast."

Sleep had gone far from my system and it is a Sunday. Ulrick had been home and we went to do shopping. "My closet is already full." I rant like a child not wanting another truck full of dresses. But he simply discarded my statement and bought another load of designer-wear dresses. "I want my little wife to be the frozen princess, putting on every day a new outfit." He pulls my nose while I scowl. Later in the evening, we went out for dinner and he ordered my favorite chicken nuggets with noodles for both of us.

I twirled and turned in the bed trying to get some sleep and when I knew finally of not having one I decided to hop down the stairs into the study where my husband would be working till late in the night. I found him studying a file with a cigarette in between his fingers. I stood at the entrance fidgeting with my fingers contemplating. Will I be disturbing him? Just as I was about to turn, I heard his voice. "Why are you standing there? Come inside Doll." His deep voice dulcets down the room.

He nipped the cigarette into the ashtray looking at me with fondness and I took slow steps and sat on his lap. That is my only place to sit. He made me learn it on the first day of my wedding itself. Otherwise, he will pop out of his seat and pull me to his lap. "You are getting lighter every passing day. You should eat more." He ascertains though softly. I shifted on his lap and turned to him playing with his button.

"I want to be a mother now. I do not want to study anymore." I spoke with a moue on my face continuing to play, now with his collar button. He smiled and nibbled my cheeks. "You want to be a mother? But you are still a kid. How can you take care of a child when you are one?" That's it! I got into a rage. Did he just call me a child again? This is the nth time I have heard the same statement. "I'm not. I am old enough to be a mother." I declared holding up to the boiling point. I got out of his lap and stood in front of him pointing at myself with my forefinger. "See how tall I am!" I wanted to prove to him that I was no longer the little girl whose fingers were held by him years ago while crossing the road.

"Yeah that I see." There was a mockery in his voice. He looked at me from top to bottom as though assessing me and immediately turned the tables. "I don't see any difference between the girl I saw ten years ago and the one standing in front of me. Huff! I am irritated now. "You are not my dad to always call me a little girl." I let out my underlying conclusion. He frowned quite surprised by my statement. "I do not want to be either." He whispered to himself signing the papers that were spread on his table but I could hear him.

Suddenly his voice turns enthusiastic. "Okay after you complete your post-graduation we can plan for a child. He replies speaking with amity. I sighed not feeling much pleased. This man knows how to get things done his way. "Okay," I said weakly and laid my head on his chest while he continued to work. He chuckles at my reaction and runs a hand through my black curls. I closed my eyes liking the way he was making magic of my hair with his fingers

Casually I moved my hand to the south of his body. He stills as he feels my hand 'on the spot' and then looks at me nonplussed. I smile at him like an innocent tot. "You have surely become very naughty these days Doll." He grins slyly waving a forefinger at me and carries me to our bedroom.

My dear husband if you think you are apt then I am no less astute. See what you are going to hear after a few months.

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