Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Ulrick Pov

Since the time I came to know about Ana, I became restless. I told my secretary to cancel all my meetings for the next two days. I very well know she would have already cracked a plan to escape me on the charity show but I am no fool to fall for her tricks for one more time. I would see her tomorrow not saying boo.

My love for Ana is everlasting but from today forward she will learn to cherish it differently.

That night I wasn't able to leap an eye. The beautiful memories of Ana and the prolepsis of seeing her after almost fourteen months were making my hands go clammy. I rolled inside the blankets the whole night and got up early in the morning at 4:30 to catch an early morning flight to Perth. I took a bath and dressed in my best clothes to impress her. She will be surprised to see me. As I think of the beatific moment my heart leaps in joy.

Like a ten-year-old boy who was going to receive his first birthday gift, I reached the airport with excitement. But to my predicament, I had the worst luck in the world. There were some technical problems with the flight and it couldn't take off till the evening. Settling myself in another jet, I had a hard time dealing with the pathetic staff that had no work sense. By the time I reached Perth, it was well beyond seven in the evening and there was a heavy downpour. Fuck! All this had to happen today itself.

I google the address and my car stops in front of a cream-coloured building. Not bad, she is well settled. I heave a sigh of relief looking at the edifice. But who is the person working in the army? Suddenly there was a bad feeling lugging in my heart. I brushed my imperiling thoughts away and knocked at the door. The smile on my face just doesn't seem to cease.

Within a few seconds, the door pops open and there she is! Holy Jesus! She is fucking so beautiful. My eyes move upwards silently thanking the creator for making her so enticing just for me. Assessing her seraphic features my vision first fell on her eyes. They appear different. What the fuck! My gaze went upwards. Shit! Even the color of her hair looked dissimilar. My hands charge to fists. Now I understand why my people weren't able to trace her. She looks different.

Good job my dear wife but you cannot succeed in blinding your husband's eyes. I am well acquainted with every inch of you. I move my hand to her hair brushing it out of her face. Something which I missed doing. "Mine" I mumble in contentment. Then my look scrolls down to her plump lips. Thank God! They are the same, so pink and soft. Sweet Heavens! I go hard just looking at them.

My gaze then fell into the home she was situated and something caught my eye which caused an instant feeling of affliction. Her brother came out of the room and I quelled myself. But the next moment I wanted to bite his head. Why the hell didn't he inform me that Ana was with him? Before I would outpour my anger he apprised me of the happenings. He should thank his lucky stars otherwise I would have broken his limbs by now for hiding my wife from me.

Soon Vance left and I had the privacy to spend special time with my wife. I look at her gravitating eyes. Shit! I am just not able to stop myself. I grabbed her face to my lips and kissed her forehead followed by her chubby cheeks. Then my eyes divert to her pink lips. I stare at them with lusciousness. Crap! What is happening to me? I am dripping wet just by looking at them. My rough hands held her soft cheeks and pulling her face towards my lips, I kissed her like a man quenching his thirst after years of drought. My tongue slipped inside and explored every corner of her mouth. She gave me the required entrance and followed my moments in gravity. I felt on top of the world with my wife in my arms.

As we were having a nice time with each other, I heard some baby sounds. I dismissed the voices until my wife ran inside the bedroom and I followed behind her. The thing I saw then was as pleased as punch. Is this real? I pinched myself to not get into high spirits. I scrutinized the baby under my counting eyes and could hear my heart thumping loudly. It only took me a few seconds to calculate everything and a slow but sure smile cascades my lips. Holy Buckets! She is mine. My head went dizzy with delight. I couldn't ask the Lord anything better than this. Patience pays. Isn't it?

I bobbed the little joy in my arms until her eyes went to a drop. I gently laid her on a bed after she went to sleep. My legs reached the kitchen where my sexy wife was making dinner for me. We both have dinner talking about various things and Ana goes to the washroom for a change. She pulls on my white dress shirt that she slipped inside her bag while leaving our house. The shirt reached her upper thighs exposing her creamy legs. I stare at them going raunchy and run my hands on her stimulating limbs.

Ana parts her lips looking into my eyes with lecher and I release my passion kissing her hungrily. She holds me tight placing her hands around my shoulders pressing her completely to me. Desire was evident in her actions. We continued to kiss till we could rest each other's fire for a while and I pressed her down onto the bed to satisfy our sexual appetites.

I unbutton the first two buttons of her shirt and my eyes go dark with hormonal cravings. She wasn't putting on a bra. My hand moves to her soft melons. I suck on one of them in want before twirling my fingers around the bud. I repeat the same to the other. After I completely enjoy her appealing mountains I kiss her crudely in longing and move my hand towards the south.

I pull her panty out and throw it in some corner of the room. My hand reaches her prepuce and she breaths in hard gazing at me. I smile congratulating myself for the effect I have on her. I cup her vulva and she starts to snuffle. I dip one of my fingers into her clit and looking at her aroused, I move my finger in and out. She moans at my actions as I lick her core pleasuring her further. She begins to bring up soft screams which instigate me to lust for her more. I pull down my pants and undo my shirt and she holds my manhood in a bat of an eye making me gasp. I hold her soft cheeks and smile kissing her on her forehead. My little girl is a dangerous enchantress. She moves her hands up and down on my shaft sensually bringing me to a tempting sweet torture.

After a while, both of us go wild with prurience and I place my masculinity at her entrance preparing her for the deed. When she concocts herself for the coition, I enter her slowly. A loud squeal conceives the walls of the dark room. I put a finger on her lips stopping her from waking the tiny virago who had just gone to sleep after a lot of work-out. She snivels and composes after a while. This time I enter her much more cautiously. "Fuck! You are so tight, Ana..." I smile as she arrests a sob. I brush her hair aside and wipe away her tears. "Baby, this is the last time you are going to bear the pain," I tell softly to her and give her time to adjust me inside her. After a few more insertions both of us succumb to a fulfilling copulation.

I slide down beside her and run my hands on her thick hair pulling her to my chest. "I love you so much Doll, but it's time for you to learn some good lessons." Giving a crafty smile I smudge my sleeping Angel with a kiss, you are always mine.

" Giving a crafty smile I smudge my sleeping Angel with a kiss, you are always mine

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