Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Ulrick Pov

After giving her a strong warning of 'never to mess with me' I got into my chopper and landed directly on the terrace of my office building. I had some very important meetings lined up that day. Sitting on my executive chair, I look at the picture of her ornamenting my office desk and trace my fingers on it.

She was wearing a pink floral dress. It was a picture taken soon after our marriage. Her eyes were beaming with liveliness and she was astoundingly attractive. "I love you so much...Doll." My voice was unknowingly out. I knew my heart beats for her and only her till this moment.  Thinking about her, I get up from my chair to head to the conference hall where I am holding a meeting regarding a new branch to be opened in Sharjah with my company's shareholders.

After a series of business meetings and checking unlimited files, I finally reached home at midnight. I take a warm bath relaxing my tensed nerves and contemplate calling her. It is too late to call her. She might be sleeping. My inner voice administers putting my actions to a halt. I play with the platinum ring embellished on my finger recalling her enigmatic smile and go to the bar to bring a drink and loosen myself. Leaning on the headboard with my eyes closed I recall the first time I met her.


She was not out of the hospital as yet. That morning my mom woke the both of us brothers and told we are going to see uncle Alejandro's daughter Ulia. Being the eldest of the three boys which included Ulia's older brother, I was expected to behave. But my mind was screaming to jump and take her tiny body in my arms like the other two who were standing beside me. Since I am the eldest among the three of us I was also the tallest. I lean into the crib and look at her. She was so tiny, only the size of a doll. And that's the moment the new name I gave to her came out to which I stick till today. "Doll?" I call her. She opens her blue eyes to look at me and it was the moment where everything stopped around us. My heart skipped a beat, something stirred inside me and I knew from that day she is mine. 


With the recollection of the jubilating incident my mind rests in peace after a long time and my eyes drop to a slow slumber now that I have traced her.

The next day as planned earlier I informed my parents about the inaugural function. I tell them about so called 'discovery of Ana' and the little new member of our family.

My parents had no leaps and bounds to their happiness after hearing the heartwarming news. Two days later I informed Ana about the inaugural function but for reasons unknown, I was left in a flurry. She was not happy and I knew it. Nevertheless, I was going to see her the same day so I pushed my disturbing thoughts aside and was all set to meet my two beautiful angels with encountered joy.

Ringing the bell at the entrance I wait impatiently with umpteen joy. Within seconds the door sways open revealing my beautiful wife with my cute little daughter in her arms. My heart made a leap in exuberance reuniting with my family.

Ana looked breathtaking in her blue gown that matched the color of her eyes. She was so tempting that I didn't realize I was holding my breath. I was mesmerized by her appearance. Closing the door behind, I felt the need of the hour and immediately ravished her in a thirsty kiss.

After kissing her till the loss of air in my lungs, I took my pretty little daughter in my arms and kissed her head. She was too excited to see me, jumping in her mom's arms, and was already putting out her little arms to me to hold her.

We had a comfortable stay in Sharjah. The function was a grand success. Ana looked so pretty in the red gown. I know there were many complimenting stares of men towards her and I was proud to call that she is mine and will always be.

My parents were overjoyed seeing her after a long time and were setting plans to see our cute princess the next week. There was no end to my happiness. Probably I was the happiest man in the universe at that moment. By the time we came home, it was too late. I told Ana to stay for the night so that I could drop her off the next day in my chopper at Perth. There was a part of me which did not want to part. However I was a man with morals whether it was business or my personal life. I gave Ana a week's time and I will stick with it. Anyhow she will be coming back on Sunday and will be mine forever.

It has been a few moments since she went upstairs. Why didn't she come down yet? Was she already engaged with the cleaning program of the house? Though I thought of getting the house cleaned, it was all ruined because of my busy schedule. Since the time one of our servants spoke ill of Ana, I haven't engaged any servant except for one who was very honest in looking after my necessities.

I got to the stairs and stilled standing behind her. Unfortunately Ana saw it all. My bedroom was littered with bottles of scotch and empty cigarette packets. Ana felt edgy looking at the condition of the room. "I don't want to see you ruining your health." She lets out holding my face in her little hands with tears welled in her eyes.

I couldn't see her cry and promised her. "I give you my word. From today forward I will not drink beyond limits."

After some time both of us had a mouth-watering dinner. Damn! I missed her culinary. "This tastes heavenly." I moaned closing my eyes, pointing to the chicken Biryani she made. I gave a bottle of milk to my cranky daughter who was also hungry. Putting her to sleep was as difficult as climbing mount Everest. Hats off to Ana for taking care of her. After several rounds of strolling in the balcony of her bedroom with her clasped to my chest sucking on her thumb, Ulia finally fell asleep.

I come out of my child's room assessing the house. It looked very clean now unlike earlier. My wife turned it into a home with her aseptic skills. Even if she is a billionaire's wife Ana prefers a simple life of a home maker. She prefers to do all the household work on her own. A feeling of serenity enraptures the place now. I go and kiss my wife asking her to take some rest. Taking a shower in the adjacent bedroom I come to ours to have a changeover.

Ana comes out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around her torso. Droplets of water were covering her body. She bends down to pick a hair band fallen on the ground. Her towel slides down a bit exposing her creamy cleavage. Fuck! Just looking at her chest I go hard.

I take two swift steps towards her. "Do you know you can give me an instant boner without even touching you?" I tease her going raunchy in her ears and the next moment my lips were on her kissing her irresistibly. The kiss was intense like never tomorrow holding her firmly by her waist. My other hand cups her cheek.

She moans in the kiss encouraging me to relish her further. In a swift gradation, I pull out her ensnaring towel and throw her on my shoulder to bring her to the bed. I hover over her like a savaging brute and capture her in my territory of a wild holer.

Will Ana come back into Ulrick's life without giving him further challenges?

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