Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Ana's Pov

Like every day I got up early in the morning, did my chores, and went for a walk along with Dad. Suddenly his phone beeped. He picked up the phone from the pocket of his track pants and stiffened looking at the name but anyways answered the call. I could hear the commanding male voice practically yelling on the phone. Dad looked at me for a second almost going pale and asked me to continue with the walk while he would join me later. I obliged him but he never joined me. After I came home, I took a bath, got ready, and went to college but my instinct told me something wasn't right.

During mid-day, I got a call from the principal's office. I left my accounts class and went to his room anxiously on why I would seek his attention out of the thousands of students studying in the institution. I made no mistakes and have always been a disciplined student. Much to my surprise I found Alex uncle speaking to the principal. As soon as I entered the room he gave me a weak smile and ushered me to get home with him immediately.

I looked at him with several questions crossing my mind but I got answers for none and on the contrary found him very tense. After the principal permitted me to leave, I got into the car of Alex uncle (Ulrick's father) and asked the reason behind his sudden appearance in my college. After much contemplation, when he gave me the reason, the earth shattered under my legs making me spell shocked.

My dad was shot and my mother was admitted to the trauma center. She saw someone try to kill him right before her eyes and thereby suffered a panic attack. She is now in a coma. I did not know how to react to the information given by Alex. My tears ran amok. I immediately went to the hospital along with uncle and the doctor told us that my dad's condition was critical as the bullet passed very close to his heart.

I cried till there were no tears left in my eyes but managed to get up and go to my mother's ward. I glanced at the peaceful yet almost lifeless form of my mom struck with several tubes on the hospital bed. Instantaneously I felt a heavy beating of my heart, my legs shivered and were no longer able to carry me. I found myself getting swallowed by the floor and seconds later blackness surrounded me.

A few hours later......

I slowly blinked my eyes open to meet the curious gaze of Aunt Gabriella, Ulrick's mother. Though we are not blood related I addressed Ulrick's parents as Aunt Gabriella and Uncle Alex because they are the only family I have apart from my parents.

"Princess, how are you feeling now?" She spoke in her motherly voice. I tried to get up from the bed but she stopped me pointing to the saline drip attached to my hand. I asked her in an almost numb voice "Where is Alex Uncle?" She gave me a slight smile and told me that he went to meet my dad as he was now conscious. "I want to see my dad." I requested Aunt Gabriella in a meek tone. "You are a very weak princess. After the glucose drip is removed you will be able to see him." She insisted.

I waited restlessly for the drip to finish as I couldn't disregard Aunt Gabriella. She is like a mother to me. Telling me sleep time stories she kept me engaged diverting my mind from the present. After I was done with intravenous glucose infusion, I ran to my father and Aunt Gabriella followed me close by.

As soon as dad saw me entering the room, he stopped speaking whatever he was talking to Alex Uncle and welcomed me into his arms. I could sense something fishy in his untold conversation to Uncle but left the interrogation part to a later period.

As of now, my primary requirement was to enjoy the love of my father. People may call me crazy and inane. So be it. I know I was behaving like a little girl craving for my dad's attention but that's the way I was brought up. I only have to name a thing and it is right in front of me. If not for my dad, uncle Alex will buy me everything under the sun. After all I am the only girl between the two wealthy families and pampered to hell. Thus my maturity always sought the back door.

As soon as I reached him my dad asked in his faint voice. "Princess, how are you feeling now? You seem to eat less that's why you have gone weak and fell unconscious. We are lucky you fainted in the hospital because of which you were treated immediately." He scolded me with worry which was evident in his tone.

The irony was he was anxious about me even at the point when he was on the danger side. Probably it was the magic of parental love. "From now onwards you will stay with Alex uncle and Gabriella aunt. Obey them and behave mature. You are now a grown up girl." He instructs as though he was bidding me an adieu. Maybe it was only my intution but I did not like the way he left his words to me. However I realize it was not the time to pick a fight with him. I decided to have the argument with him later when he returns home and nodded to him to keep him happy.

My dad spread his arms to me in happiness and I was glad to walk into his embrace while his hand slowly trailed on my loose hair. At that moment nothing felt more secure than going nestled in the arms of my father.

Yes I am a kiddo even at the age of twenty and I have no shame to admit it!

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