Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Ulrick Pov

I alerted my security, as soon as I heard the distressing news about Uncle Alejandro. Ana is my primary responsibility and I can do anything to protect her. I put my whole security team behind her. Of course, she does not know about  it. She is unaware of the distressing and vicious things happening in our families. Ana is innocent, an angel who is unblemished about the wickedity of this barbarous world and I will do anything in my power to continue her stay stainless.


There were so many things that I wanted to ask her but nothing came out of my lips. I was watching her tearing up unable to do anything like an imbecile. And for the first time in my life, I felt guilt - guilt of not being able to console her. I was staring at her tear-stricken eyes like a lost person.

After many long seconds I felt a presence beside me. My father came laying his hand on my shoulder and beckoned me to move inside the study room. I walked into my parents house after four long years. If he was indulging to share something no sooner I was inside, it was an open declaration that the matter was serious and there is more I need to know. I followed him still looking at her mournful eyes unable to understand why my happy world was suddenly reduced to a clinker. Whoever had done this is surely going to pay for it.

A few hours later...

I had my doubts and all my reflexes were confirmed when I came to know through my detective Sam that Uncle Alijandro's muder attempt was planned by Robert. That scoundrel had been under my records since the time I took over our family business. I made every step to protect our families since then but somehow the rascal happened to slip out of my security and everything went upside down. One thing that still leaves me confused is what Alijandro's Uncle wants to talk to me about. Is there anything still left in this catastrophe that I had to know?

Later that night.....

All of us were having dinner. I was trying to make her talk, open up on her fears. But Ana was reticent giving answers to my questions only in monosyllables. My eyes were most of the time only on her plate. There was hardly a spoonful of rice which went into her mouth. Mom noticed it too and tried to intercede. Dad tried to distract her cracking some stupid jokes but nothing seemed to bring her out of the gloomy state. I clench my hands to fists feeling the insurgent anger occupying every iota of my soul. Robert, you made a mistake by ruffling my feathers. I spare no one who meddles with my family. Enjoy your life till the day I reach you because these are the last days of your happiness on earth.

I know her father's illness is disturbing her and it is apparent that he is spending his last days on earth. The matters about her mother are still unclear and among all the thoughts that are daunting me I am still unclear on why I am supposed to meet Alejandro uncle so urgently. There is an emergency meeting I planned the next day with my private investigator to discuss everything regarding this sudden murder attempt and it is obviously very important to me. I wanted to meet uncle the day after tomorrow. But my dad was clear that the meeting can wait but my visit to Alejandro cannot.

What could be the mysterious information he wanted to share with me, that Dad didn't know? My anxiety goes blanching me all the night.

It was already late in the night. I made some important phone calls pertaining my business and was working on my laptop when there was a knock at the door. I quickly got up from my bed tucking a revolver in my pant pocket and pushed the curtain beside to ensure the security guards were on an alert in case of any casuality. You never know what happens the next moment. I cautiously opened the door of my room to check upon the person standing on the other side.

My features relaxed soon after I saw her. Ana was holding a glass of milk and her eyes quickly gazed at the room landing them ultimately on me. I held her arm and pulled her inside closing the door behind her. "What were you trying to search in my room?" You wanted to know if I was hiding some minions inside like an underworld don or a mafia agent?" I tried to tease her holding up a crafty grin.

"I am much more mature than do such childish feats in front of a little girl like you." I  pull her cheeks and try to present myself a little jovial to lighten her mood.

She locked her eyes with mine and gazed at me with an unbound love and that was my last grip to go off the deep end. Circling my hand on her slim waist I brought her closer to me while simultaneously holding her sight. Her soft breasts collided with my muscular chest raising an instant lecherous sensation within me. Absorbed in a stupor my hand slowly went to her soft cheeks caressing them with my thumb. My gaze involuntarily moved from her eyes to her glossy pink lips. "I can't stand you crying doll," I whispered pouring out the warmth hitherto hidden in my eyes.

My heart was drumming into my chest and I could feel hers doing the same. We were equally attracted to each other. It is confirmed now. Resisting myself from her more was beyond my capacity.  Laying a hand on her slender waist I brought her closer to me and pulled her into an ebullient hug.

She stilled for a second but composed herself within a matter of seconds with a surreptitious smile playing on her lips. Desire was evident in her eyes. "Doll" my voice came out groggy and muffled filled with lust. "Tomorrow we are going to the hospital to see your father. Be ready at 9." She nodded and was about to move to the door but I stopped her as I couldn't get enough of her. In a swift gradating intensity by cupping one of her cheeks in my hands, I kissed the other in an uncontrollable fervour.


It was a welcoming feeling of Ulrick's tranquillity, a place he cherished to live forever in his life, his absolute abode - in the arms of his love.

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