Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Ulrick pov

The sound of the thunder woke me early in the morning at 4:30 after which I couldn't sleep anymore. Since Ana left the house, I only have a disrupted sleep which is often accompanied by dreadful dreams. Jolting up from the bed in the middle of the night, welcomed by the beat of emptiness and disgruntlement has become my routine. The little sleep I have is always blossomed with the beautiful dreams of my Angel. I drink to oblivion and sometimes even take sleeping pills yet a peaceful sleep is like a blessing that I am still not endowed by the creator. Today after so many months as though under a spell my body and mind felt relaxed. I could feel the inhabitancy of quietude and I woke up with cheerfulness.

She was dressed in a beautiful blue ball gown like a fairy that landed from the clouds. Her big black eyes shine like crystals in a chandelier. "Ulrick" she calls me in a blithe and I look at her celestial form. I tried to reach her and she ran around aiming not to get caught but the next minute she was in my arms. I kiss her cherry-red cheeks and voice in elation "Caught you beautiful angel."

My sixth sense prompts that something positive is going to happen. I opened my eyes coming out of the beautiful dream and got up from the bed opening a new bottle of scotch which had become a practice for the last ten months. My legs regimentally carry me to the balcony attached to the bedroom. Lighting a cigarette I listen to the chirping of birds with the glass of scotch playing in my hands. For any normal person, my life is an example of lavishness but the truth is, I am the specimen of a foredoomed destiny.

I glance at the photo placed on the bedside table near the headboard. It was our marriage photo where Ana was smiling widely putting the ring on my finger. I direct my eyes to look at the wedding band adorning my annulary. Letters were engraved on the platinum 'Ana' and the other side 'mine forever'. My eyes darken looking at the piece of jewelry - a remembrance of a promise that we would stay for each other throughout our life in our thick and thin times. Recalling the moments my lips twitch in sarcasm. "Is it so, but everything is over?" Was I so worthless that she could not consider 'us' even for ones before leaving me forever?

I glance at the wall clock and sigh. Time never seems to pass. I brush my teeth and take a quick shower to put on my usual. I was dressed in black pants and a sky-blue shirt underneath a black coat. My hair was gelled and trimmed accurately as I headed downstairs to have my breakfast. I finish my meal and dial the number most warranted. A quivering 'hello' was heard on the second ring and customarily I slam my words at the recipient. "You are a worthless piece of shit incapable of tracing a naive girl who is just 23 years old."

My chauffeur drops me in front of the magnificent office building to which I devoted every ounce of my blood for the last seven years. As soon as I enter the sanctum people part like the red sea to mark my path. I acknowledge their greetings and reach the elevator. The moment I reach my floor my eyes detect something inept. The receptionist stood up from her chair to greet me with quivering lips because I glare at her for speaking to a drifter. "Next time I find you doing that, you will be fired." I admonish pointing to her with my eyes in command.

I reach for the handle of the door to twist it open and sit on my mid-black leather swivel task chair. I go through the various folders placed on my table. Work seems to pile up like a dinosaur as I reach my office after almost nine months. My eyes seem to go dry with attending all the pending files. I close my burning orbs for a second to relax. A few minutes later when I open them my hands land on a fancy-looking envelope. The letters in the familiar handwriting trigger an uncomfortable feeling in my gut. The rainstorm of my forlorn thoughts was interrupted by the voice of my secretary. "Sir, a professor from Perth Institute of Business Management wants to speak to you." I put a halt to my quaking thoughts and diverted my attention to the lady on the phone. As soon as I hear the enigmatic voice, acrimony spreads like wildfire in my nervous system. I become restive and call a number.

Within half an hour, all the pictures of the staff working at the Perth Institute of Business Management were on my table. My blood boils but my heart slackens looking at the picture. After an age of solitude, I found her. I know every ounce of her even from an iota. Every instance of her is familiar to me. I had the benefit of the doubt catching at the first glimpse of neatly crafted letters and it was confirmed when I heard her on the phone.

I do a small victory dance in my mind. I wanted to prove to myself once again that I absolutely knew her to perfection. I am an arrogant, commanding, and dominant business magnate but for her, I am modest and submissive husband. She grew up in front of my guarding eyes. I shielded her from every evil of the world. She is my weakness as well as strength and she took maximum advantage of it.

It's time to pay back sweetheart. You ruffled this devil's feathers and now you are going to pay back for it. From today forward every step I take towards you will be circumspect. A smirk surrounds my features, be ready to face the challenge of this beast, dear beauty.

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