Chapter Two

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Ed's POV

All of a sudden, Taylor yanked me backwards. I was so focused on kissing her, I hadn't heard the car that was coming straight towards us. The car didn't hit either of us, and it continued off into the fields, and out of sight.

Taylor tripped, and the look in her eyes was pure terror. That moment that I'm sure only lasted half a second, seemed to last for years. She had tripped, and she pulled me down on top of her. Her poor head hit a rock, and she was out. I landed on top of her, but made sure to jump off of her as quickly as possible. Soon, the pavement started to fill itself with her blood, that was all coming for her head. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and dialed 911.

"Hello, this is Ed Sheeran. Someone just tried to hit Taylor Swift and I in their car. We were standing in the middle of the road, and Taylor heard the car coming. She pulled both of us out of its way, but she tripped, and she sliced her head open on a rock. She's laying unconscious on the ground, and there's blood everywhere. I didn't see the driver, or the car. They both took off unbelievably fast. Send help, quickly! She's dying!" I screamed into the phone. I gave them our location, and they said that help would be here in a matter of minutes. I knelt down to Taylor.

"Taylor, love." I said, tears now streaming down my face. "Please be ok. Please make it. I need you, love. Please pull through. I love you. We're going to get married! I need you to be there, though. Please wake up, Taylor. Taylor...." I pleaded, crying. Soon, the police pulled up, and they loaded her in the back of the ambulance, and I hopped in with them.

"Is she going to be alright?" I asked, but no one answered. Taylor was still unresponsive, and she had blood all over. "She's going to be alright, right?" I asked again, and they shrugged. I cried all the way to the hospital, watching as her unconscious body was worked on, all the doctors ordered each other around, trying to fix her. When we got to the hospital, they pulled her out and pushed her down the halls to a room for surgery. One of the nurses stayed behind.

"We're going to need you to stay out here, while we operate." She said.

"How long will that take? Will she be ok?" I asked, worried.

"It will most likely take a couple hours. I am unsure how she will be." She said matter of factly.

"She'll wake up though, right?" I asked.

"I don't know, I'm sorry. Are you related to her?" She asked.

"Well, I had just proposed to her, and she had just said yes. I was just standing up, after sliding the ring on her finger, and kissing her, when the car sped towards us. So, if that wouldn't have happened, then sort of, we will be in a couple months. But feel free to write me down as her husband. She's got an engagement ring on her finger too, if you need proof." I told her, tears still streaming down my face.

"Ok, we'll just say you're husband and wife. Thank you." She said, and she walked into the surgery room.

I stayed in the waiting room, pacing back and forth endlessly, letting silent tears roll down my face. I finally made up my mind, and decided I would call Taylor's parents.

"Hello?" Taylor's mom said as she answered the phone.

"Hi Mrs. Swift, it's Ed." I told her.

"Oh, hi Ed! How are you and Taylor?" She asked kindly.

"Well...that's just thing the thing. So today marks the one year anniversary of us dating, correct? So I thought today would be a great day to propose to her. So, I sort of played out the scenario she had described in 'Fearless' and it was fun. She out on her best dress, we danced in a storm, we drove slow until we ran out of road, we were having a blast. We were jumping in puddles and whatnot, and then I pulled her back to the middle of the road, and I asked her to marry me, and she said yes." I said, but was then cut off.

"Oh my gosh that's so great! I'm so happy for you two!" She said.

"Yes, but hold on. I'm not finished. So, I slid the ring onto her finger, and then we stood there and kissed. I was so focused on her kissing me, that I didn't hear a car speeding towards us. But, luckily, your daughter did, and she was able to take her arms, which were already wrapped around me, and she yanked us both out the car's way, saving our lives. But, as she jumped backwards, she tripped, and fell, slicing her head open on a rock. She immediacy went unconscious, and her blood poured everywhere , and I immediately called 911. They sent help immediately, and now I'm at the hospital. I'm in the waiting room, and they're working on her, operating to save her life I guess. I'm just...I'm...well..I don't know if she's gonna...gonna make it." I said, and then burst out in tears again, not bearing to think what that might feel like.

"It's ok, Ed, we'll be right there." She promised, and then hung up. I sat down in one of the many chairs, and I placed my head in my hands, crying endlessly. A few minutes later, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Who...oh, hello." I said as I turned around, wiping the tears from my eyes. Taylor's parents took a seat on either side of me. "I'm so worried, I shouldn't have proposed to her in the middle of a road, that's the stupidest thing ever..." I said, and completely lost it again. Mrs. Swift wrapped an arm around me and consoled me.

"Ed, it's not your fault. It's the idiots fault, whoever was driving that car. That was the most perfect proposal ever, and it's most definitely not your fault." She promised. "If it makes you feel any better, Taylor would call me, whenever you guys weren't hanging out with each other, and she'd go on and on about how much she loves you. She'd tell me about all the fun things you had done together that day, and how much she wished she could spend the rest of her life with you. She'd call me and be like mom! Ed and I did this and this today, and it was perfect. I really wish we could get married!" She told me, and I looked at her in disbelief.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really. She is head over heels in love with you. When you asked us if you could marry her, we didn't hesitate in saying yes, because we both knew how elated she would be if you asked her to marry you." She said. "She really really loves you, Ed. A lot."

I somehow started to cry harder, and I leaned into her. She comforted me as if though I was her own child. "I really love your daughter." I said.

"Me too." She agreed.

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