Chapter Three

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*One Week Later*

Taylor's POV

I opened my eyes, but could hardly move. I saw I was in a hospital bed, and there were three people in the room. Off to the left, both reading books, I saw my parents. On the right, I saw a man I didn't recognize. He was sitting in a fold up chair he had pulled up right next to my bed, his heads in his hands, and it sounded as if though he was crying. I also saw that he had my right hand clutched tightly in his own, but I couldn't understand why. I moved one of the fingers on my right hand, as if to signal I was awake. I wasn't sure why I wanted to let him know, but I figured he could tell my parents. He immediately looked up, and tears filled his eyes.

"Taylor!" He yelled, and then full on kissed me. I squirmed away, alarmed by this stranger with crazy, uncombed red hair, kissing me. He backed away, looking hurt that I hadn't kissed him back. "Taylor, I'm sorry, did that hurt? Maybe I kissed you too hard... Oh, love, I'm sorry." He apologized. By then, my parents had run over, and they both hugged me.

"Oh, you're alright! I was so afraid you wouldn't be!" My mom said, and I hugged her tight.

"Taylor, sweetie, I'm so glad you're ok. Everything's gonna be ok." My dad said, taking his turn with hugging me. I also hugged him tight, even though I didn't understand what was going on.

"What...happened?" I barely squeaked out.

"After you fell, you cracked your head on a rock. I called an ambulance, and they took you here. They did a long operation, which took hours. Finally, they put you here, feeding you through an IV everyday. Taylor, love, you've been out for a week." The man with the ginger hair explained.

"I...fell?" I asked, not remembering what he had explained.

"Yes, right after I proposed, you said yes and stood up. Then you heard the car coming, and yanked us both out of the way. But you tripped, and fell, slicing your poor little head open. Remember?" He asked, taking my hand in his and kissing it. I slowly shook my head.

"Who...are you?" I asked him, not meaning to be rude, I just didn't know. He immediately burst into tears, and I felt terrible. "I'm sorry...I just...don't know you." I apologized, but he continued to cry.

"'s Ed. Remember? Remember your trampoline in the backyard, you invited me over, and we wrote 'Everything Has Changed'? Remember the Red tour? Touring thought North America? Remember after the Red tour, once you released your fifth album, I set up the party for you? Remember our first date? Me moving into your house? Me asking you to marry me? Taylor, it's Edward Christopher Sheeran, the boy with the red hair and the green eyes, the one who likes cuddling up and watching Law and Order on the sofa with you, just because I'm with you. Look, at your left hand, ring finger. Do you remember that?" He pleaded. I lifted up my left hand, and looked at my ring finger. I noticed a beautiful ring on it, and I brought it close to my face so I could look at it closer.

"No, I'm sorry. But I...I loved you?" I asked, looking up at him.

"You loved me, yes. You said you'd love me for forever, no matter what happens. Do you remember that?" He asked, and I shook my head slowly. " I'm gonna... I'm gonna go get some fresh air." He said, and he quickly ran out of the room. My parent rushed back over.

"Taylor..." My mom said. "You really don't remember him?" She asked, worried.

"No, I'm sorry." I said, finding it slowly getting easier to talk. "We were... going to get married?" I asked, finding this all very difficult to take in.

"Yes, you were. You called me whenever you had free time and he wasn't around, and you'd go on and on about how much you loved him." She said, looking a little scared. "He really really loves you..."

"Yeah..." I said, feeling terrible. "Will I remember him?" I asked, wanting to.

"The doctor said that I should eventually come back in bits and pieces, but that may take time." She said.

"Could you...invite him back in? If we are going to get married, I want to know who my future husband is going to be." I said, and then added. "Tell him I want him in here."

"Ok, I'll bring him right in here." She said, and then left.

Andrea's POV

Poor Taylor, she doesn't remember a thing.

I walked out into the hallway, and found Ed sitting by the door, his head in his hands, crying hysterically. I sat down next to him.

"I'm sorry, I really shouldn't be like this...they said she wouldn't remember...I just..." He said after calming himself down, but he quickly burst into tears again.

"Ed, it's ok." I said, wrapping my arm around him. "The doctor also said that everything should come back to her, so she should eventually remember. She actually just sent me out here, to get you. She figured that if you two were going to get married, she should meet her future husband. It still sounds to me like she wants to marry you, she needs to know you first." I explained. He instantly perked up.

"Taylor...wants to see me?" He asked, and I nodded. He hopped up quickly, wiped the tears from his eyes, and then ran back in.

Ed's POV

Taylor wants to see me, and she still plans on marrying me! I pulled the door open, and walked towards her.

"Hey." I said, unsure of what to say. She looked so helpless, laying there, you could tell she was deeply confused.

"Hey." She said, and then we stood in awkward silence, both of us unsure what to say. "Why don't you sit down? I want to know you." She said, and scooted over in her hospital bed, making room for me. I didn't hesitate, I ran over and sat right next to her. Again, we sat in awkward silence, both of us unsure as of what to say. "So... What's your favorite color?" She asked.

"Blue, definitely blue." I said.

"Ok... Why is that? If you're so sure it's blue..." She asked.

"Well...umm..." I stuttered. The real reason was because her eyes are blue, and every time I look into them, I get some sense of hope, accomplishment, I don't know. I knew she wanted to know me better, so I decided not to lie. "Well, because your eyes, they're a beautiful, astonishing blue. Every time I look at them, they make me feel...I don't know... Like something's out there. That there can be this beautiful world that everyone can live in, if only they had that sense of hope. That there are wonderful things waiting for us, we just have to go and get them." I explained. She leaned her head on my shoulder, and I was elated.

"Really? That's cool. Hey, that duet you were telling me about, how does that go?" She asked.

"Here..." I said, pulling out my phone and playing it. She didn't really remember it, until the very last line.

"Everything....has changed." She sang, perfectly in tune, just like the recording. " it again. I think I'm remembering it." She requested, and I played it again. This time, she was able to sing the choruses, and random lines here and there. "Play it again! I think I've got it this time." She said, and I did. She sang all of her parts of the duet perfectly in tune, and I sang mine. When she finished, she was elated. "Did you see that? I remembered it all! Every drum beat, everything! Oh my gosh! I...remembered!" She gushed, and wrapped her arms around me.

"Good job, Taylor. I'm so proud of you, love." I said, wrapping my arms around her as well.

"Ed, do you always call me 'love'?" She asked.

"Yes, love." I said, and she giggled.

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