Chapter Thirteen

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*About Two Weeks Later*

Taylor's POV

"Thanks for dinner, Ed." I said, as I had just finished eating a meal he had made.

"You're very welcome, love." He said, walking over to me and giving me a kiss. "I love you, Taylor." He said once we had pulled away. I stared into his eyes, loving how happy he was.

"I love you too, Ed. I so so so totally love you too." I promised. "Hey, why don't we snuggle up on the couch and watch some tv?" I asked, since we didn't really have anything else to do.

"Sure." He said, and he walked over and grabbed some blankets out of the closet.

"What do you wanna watch?" I asked.

"Whatever you would like, love." He said as he carried some blankets over and sat down.

"Law and Order it is then." I giggled. I sat down right next to Ed, and he threw a blanket or two on top of us. I hit play and then wrapped my arms around him, with his arms already around me. I leaned my head on his shoulder, and soon I was asleep.


"So... Where are we going?" I asked impatiently as Ed drove.

"You'll see." He said, smiling, and we held hands.

"You're not driving very fast." I said, trying in vain to figure out where we're going.

"Yes, I know." He replied, a smirk sprawling across his face. "Just relax, love. You'll find out soon enough, I promise." He drove slowly, not leaving the neighborhood. Soon, the skies opened up and it started to rain.

"It's raining!" I said, seeing if I'd get a reaction out of him.

"Yup." He said, as if planning on it. He continued to drive, until he took a turn down a dead end street. Here there were no houses, only grass. He drove to the end of the road, and then parked the car in the grass. "We're here!" He said, running around and helping me out of the car.

"Oh... Umm... Is there something I'm missing?" I said, as he walked me back onto the street, and started to sway as if there was music playing.

"Yes. Tell me, where are we?" He asked.

"A road that dead ended." I tried.

"Yes. How'd we get here?" He asked again.

"You drove us." I said, and he nodded.

"While driving, what was the speed of the car?" He asked.

"Slow..." I said, still not getting the point, again, he nodded, still swaying to music that only he heard.

"Correct. What's the weather like?"

"It's storming." I said, as it was obvious.

"And what are you and I doing right now?" He questioned.

"Talking. Dancing. Are you going anywhere with this?"

"Yes. You're very impatient. What are you wearing?" He asked.

"The dress I think I look best in." I tried, and he nodded. Then, he stopped asking questions, and I laid my head on his shoulder, waiting to get an answer. He started humming, but I couldn't quite make out the tune.

"You still haven't figured it out yet?" He asked, and I shook my head. "How do you feel?" He asked.

"Umm... I don't know. In love." I answered, still not understanding.

"That's good, because I feel fearless." He said, and all the pieces started clicking together.

"You drove slow, until we ran out of road. I danced with you, in a storm, in my best dress. Ed, I don't know how it gets any better than this." I said, and kissed him. "I love you!" I told him. Then, we danced around in the rain, jumping in puddles and spinning each other around. Soon, though, Ed pulled me back to the center of the road.

"Taylor, I want to ask you something." He said.

"Ok, hit me with your best shot. As long as it's not a math question. If it is, then you're screwed." I said jokingly.

"Well then, you're in luck." He said with a smile, and I giggled. "So, Taylor, I love you loads, right?" He asked, and I nodded. "Well, we always have a lot of fun together, and I've found that I could love no one else on this planet more than I love you." He started.

"Awe, thanks Ed. I love you more than anything else too." I said.

"We've spent a lot of time together, and every second with you is never a second wasted, because I'm spending time with the love of my life." He said, and I grinned. "I love you so much, and we've spent so much time together, that I was wondering if you would like to spend the rest of your life with me." He said, and pulled out a little black box and got down on one knee. My hand flew to my mouth, and I immediately began crying. "Taylor Swift, will you marry me?" He asked.

"YES!" I screamed as I sat up on the sofa, realizing it was all just a dream. I was crying hysterically, and Ed leaned over and wrapped his arms around me. "YES YES YES!" I yelled again, leaning into him, sobbing hard. "Ed, I would love to marry you, YES YES YES!" I said, elated I remembered, and it felt as if though he'd just asked me, and I was so excited.

"Taylor, did...did you remember that day?" He asked hopefully.

"YES!" I screamed triumphantly through tears. "Oh my god, Ed, I would love nothing in this entire world more than to marry you! Oh my god!" I screamed, crying into Ed still.

"Oh my god, really? You still do?" He asked.

"YES oh my god YES!" I promised. Before I knew it we had pulled each other into a kiss, my fingers running through his hair, his hands cupping my face, with the only thing coming in between us were tears that met our lips.

"" He said in between kisses.

We pulled away much later, both of us out of breath. " remember everything?" He asked, staring directly into my eyes, tears running down both our faces.

"Yes!" I said, and we both started to cry harder. "Every last little thing, just like you! I finally remember you, Ed. I know you now, fully, 100 percent know everything that I should know about you...I love you so so so much, that was the most perfect proposal ever..." I said, and we kissed again, both of us crying. "I know you!" I screamed once we had pulled away, elated.

"Taylor...oh my god, I love you more than I could ever hope you could understand. And now you and I are really going to get married! Oh my god, I'm really going to marry Taylor Swift! still want to marry me?" He asked in shock, tears still streaming down his face.

"Oh my god, Ed, YES YES YES! I'm really going to marry you, and NOTHING can stop me. NOTHING, ever. I am going to marry Edward Christopher Sheeran, and become Taylor Alison Sheeran. Ed, I've never loved anyone more than I love you right now, no one ever, and I won't ever come close to ever loving someone else this much." I promised. "I'm going to get married to you! I am going to marry Ed Sheeran! This is the BEST day of my life. I've never been happier than getting to know I'm going to marry you. I love you SO SO SO SO much, Ed." I said, still crying. "I...know you, I don't feel so distant and...far away from the real world." I said in disbelief, running my fingers through his hair, my hands brushing his cheek. "I know ever last bit of you...all the things we've done together....all the times you've called me...all the texts we've sent... I know you! I really remember you, I really really do." I said in shock again, burying my face in his chest. I took in everything about this moment, never wanting to forget it. He smelled of cologne and tea, his hands were wrapped around my back, mine around his, his lips pressed against my forehead, both of us crying.

"Capture it, remember it." He sang in his British accent, and I cried harder. "You really do love really do!" He said, astonished, and he cried harder as well.

"Of course I do." I promised him. We held each other and cried some more, before our tear ducts seemed to have run dry. Ed laid down length wise on the sofa, and I cuddled up right next to him. There was barely room for both of us, but we snuggled so close that it didn't really matter. He wrapped a strong, tattoo covered arm around me, and suddenly, everything was right with the world.

A/N: The story isn't over! Keep reading! Thanks :)

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