Ch. 4 Fighting your Fears

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm buzzing. I reach over to grab my phone and whence bringing my hand back holding it against my belly. Lincoln sits up and reaches over me turning it off. I sigh and close my eyes. "You ok?" He whispers. "Mhm" I say still holding myself. "Let me see." He says moving my arm. "I'm fine... really." I whisper. He gently lifts up my shirt and gasps. "Octavia." He slowly traces his fingers over the red spots. I flinch and pull down my shirt. "I'm fine." I say and sit up. He doesn't answer me. I close my eyes and sigh turning around. "I promise. I'm okay baby." I lean over and kiss him. He kisses me back and nods smiling slightly.

After getting Hailey ready for school, I walk over to the kitchen and wash my hands. "That's weird." I say to myself. There's no hot water coming out. "Lincoln!" I call out. "Yeah" He yells back. "Is there hot water in the bathroom?" I ask. "Huh?" He walks over to the kitchen. "There's no hot water in here. Go try to bathrooms." I tell him. Hailey's sitting on the floor with her bag and shoes on playing with the dog. Lincoln comes back. "Nope. That's weird" he says. "Yeah... we just payed the hydro bill." I say confused. "I'll call them this afternoon." He says grabbing his coat. "Come on Hailey" He says walking to the door. "Say by to mommy" He tells her. She comes over and hugs me running out the door holding a little bunny. "Yeah ok bye!" I yell after her. Lincoln laughs and kisses my forehead. "I'll call you later." He says and goes after Hailey outside.

I get to work a bit early. I'm walking around before my shift starts. I lean against the wall and hold my stomach. I walk to the bathroom and hold up my shirt looking at the rash. I walk back out and start my shift.

During my lunch break, Lincoln calls me.
O: Hey
L: Hey how you feeling
O: I'm good. I feel fine.
L: Ok.. I called the hydro place and our hot water tanks broken. They said they can come by tomorrow.
O: ok so they just fix it like that?
L: well that's the thing. They will fix it but it takes a while, 3 days. And I'm that time we won't have water...and they will be working through out the house.
O: woah ok.. I can ask Bellamy if we can stay with them.
L: Ok. Let me know. I have to go now, luv you.
He hangs up and I call Bellamy.
B: Hey O, what's up!
O: Hey.... our hot water tank is broken so we are getting it fixed but we won't have water for 3 days. Would it be ok if we stayed with you, Clarke and the kids?
B: Yeah sure! Hailey can stay in Aaliyah's room and there's the guest room too.
O: Thank you soo much
B: No problem. I'll talk to you later?
O: yeah.. thanks again, love you
B: I love you too! Have a good rest of the day.

         After work, I go to school to pick up Hailey. I walk to the gate and look around for her. There's kids laughing and screaming everywhere. I'm looking around and I see Hailey sitting on the bench with her little coat and boots on. She's staring down fiddling with her fingers. I frown and I look over to the sand and see 3 girls laughing playing with something. I walk over to them. "Hailey's stupid bunny is gonna die." One of them says. "Yeah only Babies have teddies!" They all laugh. "Hey girls whatcha got there?" I ask smiling down to them. "An ugly bunny" One girl laughs handing it to me. I take it and look at her. "I'm going to keep this..." I say and turn back. I walk over to Hailey shaking off her bunny and taking all the sand off. I lean down to her. "Hey peanut." I whisper. She looks up with no emotion. "Hi" she mumbles. I sigh and show her bunny. "I think he missed you" I say. I see her smile and take him. "Thanks" She says and hops off the bench walking to the car. I stand up and watch her go. I look back to the girls in the sand and then follow Hailey.

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