Ch. 6 Hurting Heart

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We are back home now, the waters fixed. I haven't seen Bellamy yet. He's not aloud visitors. I'm still not talking to Lincoln but I smile and nod for Hailey. We haven't spoken in a week. We an never be in the same room for more than 5 minutes and I always sleep at the edge of the bed farthest away from him.

I'm in the kitchen making Hailey some lunch when I get a call.
C:Hey O. You guys can go see Bellamy today.
O: That's great. I'll definitely go.
C: Ok. Call me later.
O: Bye.

We get to the hospital and I let Hailey and Lincoln go in to see him first.
They walk in and Bellamy sits up. "Hey. Well if it isn't my favourite little Hailey!" He says. She smiles and holding onto Lincolns hand. "Where's O?" He asks. "Outside talking to the nurses." Lincoln replies. Bellamy nods and reaches over to hugs Hailey. "So why are not in school little missy?" He asks. She giggles and shrugs. "Someone here decided to hit someone..... we are never going to do that again now will we?" He looks down to her. She shakes her head.

I walk over and stand leaning against the door frame. "Hey O" Bellamy smiles. I wave. "Say bye to uncle Bellamy." Lincoln says taking her hand and walking out. She waves back to him and he waves sticking his tongue out. She giggles and I smile. I lean my head against the wall staring at Bellamy. "I wanted to tell you. I just didn't want you to be worried." He said. I nod my head without speaking. "Clarke told me about you and Lincoln." He says. I look back through the door and see Lincoln laughing with Hailey. "Please don't hate him. I told him not to tell you. He's a good guy O." He tells me. I walk over and sit on the bed beside him. "I know he is. But he lied to me." I say looking down. Bellamy smile and looks at me. "We all lie to keep the ones we love from pain." He tells me. I look up and him and nod. "Are you ok?" He asks. "Yes." He says smiling. I can tell it's a fake smile, his face is pale, his eyes are so glossy, he looks so tired and he's freezing cold. I place my hand on his cheek. "Don't lie to me. I know your not." I smile and a tear drops. He smiles, shaking his head and holds my hand on his cheek. "Are you scared." I ask him. "No." He says. I stand up and turn around.

I turn back around see Bellamy shaking on the bed. He starts going out of control and I scream for the nurse. A bunch of nurses and doctors run in over to Bellamy. "Mame Im going to have to ask you to leave." A nurse says. I ignore her and make my way over to Bellamy. The doctors are using a bunch of big words and I don't know what's going on. A doctor starts pushing me back. "No! Bell! Move!" I push away and scream. Lincoln runs in and holds me back. "Get off me! Let me go! Bellamy!" I try to get out of Lincoln's grip. "Get her out of here." A nurse yells. "Octavia. Octavia come on" Lincoln picks me up holding my arms down. I'm screaming trying to let go. We are moved out the room and the doctors close the doors. Everyone's looking at us. "Lincoln! Let me go!" Im crying. "I hate you!" I push him. "You didn't tell me." I cry. "You should've told me! I hate you!" I hit him again. "I hate you!" I yell with tears running down my face. I struggle in his arms, I keep fighting until I can't breath. I fall to my knees and lean on him. "I....Hate... you." I say out of breath. He leans his head on mine holding me tight. He strokes my hair gently. "Shhh." I hear him whisper and somehow it calms me.

After I calm down, I stand up and we walk over to the waiting room. I see Hailey sitting on a seat looking at a picture book. I go and sit beside her. "Hey baby girl." I say smiling. "Hi." She closes the book and sits on top of me. I wrap one arm around her and Lincoln takes my other hand squeezing it. I lean my head on his shoulders and close my eyes.

I jump awake sitting next to Clarke. "Hey it's ok." She says facing me. I run the back of my neck and sigh. "Where's Lincoln and Hailey?" I ask. "He went to put Hailey to bed" She answers. I nod and lean back in the chair. A doctor come walking I we to us and we both stand up. "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Bellamy has a rare blood condition. Hemophilia... Right now he's not responsive." The doctor says. Tears run down my face and I look away. "What does that mean." Clarke looks at me worried. I'm quiet for a moment. I turn to look at her. "It ah. It means he's in a coma." I tell her. She starts crying. "He's not in pain, he's not suffering, his body is still working but his brain shut down." The doctor tells us. "Hemophilia is when your blood can't pass through your veins so it clots. It can cause headaches, lack of eating and hot flashes. Mood swing, fainting and seizing. But he has bet been taking any medication so his brain collapsed." The doctor stops and looks at his clip board. "This isn't the worst, he's lucky. He's alive, he just needs to wake up." He says. I nod my head and wipe my tears away. "I'm so sorry. You are welcome to stay and talk to him, treat him the same. He will hear you." He says smiling and walking away.

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