Ch. 14 Mood Swings

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I walk into Hailey's room after Lincoln. She's laying there with her eyes closed hooked up to an IV. I gently crouch down and place my hand on her cheek. She slowly opens her eyes and stretches her little arms. "Hey peanut." I smile still holding her warm cheeks. "Mommy." She squints her eyes. "Mhm. How you feeling." I whisper. "Good." She says and looks over at Lincoln. "Daddy." She smiles. "Hey Baby girl." He walks over and sits on the bed beside her. She reaches up and takes Lincolns hand. We both lean in and kiss her temples.

The next morning, I wake up falling off the small hospital bed. Lincoln's laying on the other side and Hailey's in the middle. I get up, grab my phone, sunglasses and I walk out of the room. I pass by a bunch of doctor and nurses and wave. I walk out to the front and call Raven. The suns shining and it's hot out.
R: Hey. How is she, you guys still there?
O: She's doing ok, she woke up once last night to throw up but it wasn't bad.
I think they're gonna keep her here for a while
R: Aww well I'm sorry and I'm sure she'll be ok.
O: Yeah Im gonna run home and get a few things. I'm sorry for just running out last night
R: Oh O. Don't worry, you did the right thing. I'll come by later to see her ok.
O: yeah she'll be happy.
R: I'll talk to ya later. Love you
O: bye love you too

I go home and grab a few things, clothes, Hailey's bunny, snacks, and colouring books. I quickly walk and feed the dog before I go back to the hospital.

I walk back in the room and Hailey's sitting up with Lincoln. "Come on Hails." I hear him say. "Heyy. What's going on?" I ask putting the bags down. "I wanna go home" Hailey crosses her arms. "Honey we can't go yet." I say. "But I wanna go." She says on the verge of crying. "Here what about we colour." I grab some crayons an a book and hand them to her. "I don't want to colour!" She whacks her hand back and all the crayons fall. I gasp and pick up the crayons. "Hailey, the doctors just have to check you. It'll make you feel better."Lincoln says. I put the crayons on the table and grab her bunny. "Here play with Mr.Bunny." I try to give it to her. "I DONT WANT THAT!" She screams and throws it at me. "HAILEY!" Lincoln yells back. "Don't talk to your mommy like that!" He says raising his voice at her. She grunts and starts crying. I pick up the bunny and place it beside her walking outside. "Don't move young lady." Lincoln says and walks after me.

I sigh and close my eyes. "Hey. It's ok. She's just confused." He says. "No, I know. And I know she wants to leave, I want to leave too but we can't." I say. "Maybe she just needs to eat." He says. I sigh and nod.

    After she finally agreed to eat, and take a shower, we went for a walk around the the hospital. We walked around the different floors and said hi to all my coworkers. Now we are sitting on her bed colouring. The Dr. Jordan walks in. "Hello. How's my favourite family" He asks and walks over. I smile and stand up brushing Hailey's hair back. "Ok." I say. "Let's do a quick check up and see." He smiles and brings his stethoscope to his ears checking her heart. Lincoln's sitting on the chair beside the bed. And I go over and sit on his lap giving the doctor space. "So how's your tummy? Does it hurt?" He asks. "A little." She replies. "What about your head?" He asks checking her throats and eyes. "No." She says. "That's good. What about walking? Does it hurt to walk?" He asks moving her to the edge checking her knees. "It doesn't hurt." She says. "We went for a walk before, she seemed fine." I say. "Okay, and what about emotions, any mood swings?" He asks. I hesitate before answering. "Umm.. yeah. Just a bit." U answer him. "Hmm." He writes something down on his clipboard and looks up smiling. "Keep walking, keep trying to do things, don't stay in bed all day, try to make everything normal, that'll help with the emotions." He says looking at me. "Thank you."

     "Hey Hails, You wanna go on a walk before you go to bed?" Lincoln asks. She nods and gets off the bed. She walks over and takes Lincolns hand and they walk down the hall. After walking a while, Hailey stops. Lincoln looks back. "You ok?" He asks. She nods and starts to walk slowly again. He keeps an eye on her unsure. She stops again and falls to her knees. Lincoln leans down and picks her up to her feet. She's holding onto his arms. "Daddy." She mumbles. "I can't." She doesn't move. Lincoln lifts her up and carries her. She leans her head on his shoulder and wraps her arms around his neck.

   He walks back and gently lays her on the bed. I walk over a bit confused. "Hey how was your walk." I ask. Lincoln looks at me slightly shaking his head. "We'll be right back ok Hails." I say calmly and hand her her bunny. I pull Lincoln into the hallway. "What?!? What's wrong?! What happened?! Why did you carry her. Is she ok?Why aren't you talking to me!" I jumble all my words panicking. "Ehmm.. Im not talking because you are in the middle of reciting your long ass 12 minute speech." He says sarcastically. I roll my eyes and hit him in the stomach. "Seriously!" I mutter looking around at the people looking at us. "Ouch!" He brings his hand to his stomach. "Lincoln!" I whisper yell. "Ok ok.. Listen, she was probably just tired..." He says. "Tired? Well what happened?!" I'm trying to understand. "We were walking and she just.... stopped? I don't know" He says crossing his arms. "She just stopped? How! How do you not know!" I say a little to loud and people look at us again.

"Ookay." Lincoln grabs my arm and slightly smiles waving at the people before he pulls me into some closet thing. "Octavia calm down. I don't knows what's going to happen. None of us do. But we have to stay strong for Hailey. She knows as much as we do and even less. But if we keep panicking she will worry." He starts saying. I sigh and put my hands on my head. "I know this is hard. But we will get through it, together." He pulls me over and wraps his arms around me hugging me. I move my hands and lean my head on his chest. "Ugh. Why are you so good at this." I mumble. He laughs slightly. "I'm just trying to get through it. Same as you just different method." He says. I look up at him and kiss him quickly. "I love you always." I smile. "I love you forever." He smiles back. "Ok... we should go back. Before those people think we are making out in here." I say and walk towards the door. He laughs and follows me out.

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