Ch.13 Hailey

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It's 2:34 in the morning, We just got back to bed. Hailey has been throwing up the past 3 days. She doesn't have a fever and she feels perfectly fine. I sigh and roll on my side thinking. "Babe, don't stress." Lincoln says. "Lincoln, she's so tiny and she has been throwing up so much." I say facing the wall. "She probably just has a bug. It'll be gone soon." He says. "Ok." I say uncertain. I hear the blankets shift and I feel him come closer to me. He places his arm under mine and holds my waist caressing my body. "I love you." He says and kisses the back of my neck. "I smile and close my eyes whispering "I love you" back to him.

The next morning, We all wake up and have breakfast. Hailey is perfectly fine. I checked her for a fever and rashes she was good. The twins came over to play after lunch while Raven went out. They played in the basement most of the day while Lincoln went out grocery shopping and picked up a few things at the drug store. I stayed home and cleaned.

Lincoln comes back home at around 6 and I help him unpack the food. "Oh Ravens here." I say. "Josh! Jacob! I think Mommy's here." I call them. They all come running up and Raven walks through the door. "Hey!" She says and they run over to hug her. Hailey stand behind me holding onto my leg. Its all hectic when all of a sudden Hailey turns around and throws up. He stands there with her arms out like if to hold onto something. Lincoln runs over picking her up and walking to the bathroom. She throws up again all over Lincoln. "Ok ok." He sits her down over the toilet and ties her hair up. Raven pulls the boys back and looks at me. "Ok boys put your coat on and stay here." She says and walks in closing the porch door behind her. "She ok?" Raven says starting to help me clean up. I sigh and shrug. "She's been throwing up like crazy for almost 4 days." I say. "Awww." She says. "It's ok Rae, you don't have to do this. I've got it." I say on my hands and knees. "Nah. It's ok. I can help." She smiles.

Hailey holds her stomach and starts to cry. "Daddy. Daddy it hurts." She say. "It's ok Hail. Just let it come out." He rubs her back gently. She gags over the toilet crying. "No. Daddy it hurts!" She screams and starts crying even louder. "It hurts! It hurts!" She starts freaking out screaming crying holding her stomach. "Octavia. Octavia! Come here!" He says and wiping her mouth and flushing the toilet.

I look at Raven and run to the bathroom. "What's wrong?!" I ask all panicked. "Please. Daddy." Hailey lays curled onto the floor. "Something's wrong." He says and picks her up. "Ok. Let's go, we need to go to the hospital." I say gently swiping my hand over her forehead. I walk out of the bathroom after Lincoln who's still holding screaming, crying Hailey. Raven quickly stands up. "She ok?" She asks worried. "We have to go to the hospital" I say with tears in my eyes. Raven stops me. "Hey. It's ok. Ok go." She says trying to calm me.

    I get in the back of the car holding Hailey while Lincoln drives. She isn't screaming anymore just quietly crying. I gently play with her hair watching her. Lincoln looks back and I look up at him worried.

    We get to the hospital and the nurses want to take her right away. She's so young and has no idea what's going on so obviously she starts to panic and doesn't want to leave us. "No it's ok baby. The doctor just needs to see you." I hand her to the nurses. "No!" She screams reaching for me. "Mommy!" She screams. I watch the nurses take her. They each take an arm trying to carry her. Shes kicking and screaming at the top of her lungs. I stand and stare at the doors they left in. I silently gasp and cover my mouth. I can tell everyone's staring because the room went completely silent. I hear heavy foot steps and then it stops and a hand reaches out to my shoulder. I know it's Lincoln. I turn around and look up at him with tears in my eyes. He doesn't say anything but hug me. I hold my arms to his chest and let out a few tears.

        After sitting in the waiting room for an hour, they finally call us. We walk to the room and a doctor meets us outside. "Hey Octavia." The doctor says, he's my boss. "Hey Dr. Jordan." I say smiling slightly. "So Hailey. She's a beautiful little girl." He says opening his folder. "We ran some tests. And everything seems to be ok in her blood." He says looking down reading his notes. Lincoln looks at me confused. "No cancer." I tell him and he nods. "But her stomach has a higher concentration of acid fluids." He starts. "That's been causing the throwing up. Since she is still young, she's still growing. So there is a chance that when she grows her stomach will balance out the bile." He looks up at us. I nod and I can tell Lincoln's still confused. "You can go in and see her, I'll be back in a bit." He smiles and walks off. I smile and thank him.

    I lean against the window to the room. "Ok?" Lincoln looks at me. "She has ACD" I say. "O! Your  the one in the medical field... I failed science class in high school. What does that mean?" He asks. "Anemic Chronic Disorder... It's not fatal. It's not contagious. It's just means she's sensitive to lots of things. Like certain foods, too much physical activity at once. She gets tired quickly, dramatic mood changes and emotions. There's pills to control it..." I say. He looks at me. "But... I know you. What's the but." He asks. "Until she gets use to the pills, which can take a few weeks... there are some side effects. Severe throwing up, night sweats, trouble walking, hot flashes, black outs and....psychotic out breaks." I stop. "Woah woah woah... wait, like your telling me our daughter is gonna be a psycho path?!" He whispers. "W-well, not forever." I fiddle with my fingers. "She's not gonna be like really crazy. And it's only until the pills regulate.. I'm sure that won't effect on her. Like it's only a 3% chance of that one, but ya know it's necessary to recall all the cha-" Lincoln stops me. "Ok ok! No more nurse talk Smarty pants."

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