Ch. 10 Girls Night

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Im out with the girls. We are having a fun night at the club we haven't been out in so long. Lincoln and Bellamy are at home with all 5 kids.

Raven comes over holding 3 shot glasses. "Here's to being the queens of the world!" She hands us all a shot. He all gulp it down and start dancing.

"Hey guysss! Let's dance on the counters!" Clarke shouts out to us. "Omg! Yess!" Raven runs over. "Wait!" I grab her arm. "You need a distraction." I say flipping my hair back and fixing myself. "Oh lord." Clarke rolls her eyes and laughs. I walk over to the bar and call over a barista dude. "Hey.. Can you um.. Can you help me with something." I ask with wide eyes leaning my arms over the counter. I bite my lip and wait for him to answer. He looks around and then takes my arm over the counter and drags me to the side. I giggle and follow him. He leans against a wall and pulls me closer to him. He pushes a strand of hair behind my ear and traces my jaw line. "Fuck!" I hear Raven scream from the bar. He looks over and I quickly move his face back to me. I look over from the corner of my eye and see Raven standing on the counter. I lean in closer to the guy and he leans in to kiss me but as soon as he's close enough, I move and whisper in his ear. "I've got to go." I push back and turn around. He doesn't say anything. I laugh and walk back to the girls unsteadily and then climb onto the counter.

We walk back into the house laughing and slurring our words. I'm holding onto Raven. The guys come over to the door and stare at us. "Are you that drunk?" Bellamy asks. "Aww Bellamy! I missed you." I say and hug him as I start crying. "Um O... are you crying?" He asks. "No!" I say wiping my tears. "Ok ok. Shh the kids just fell asleep" He says chuckling. There's a smash. "Fuck. Oops sorry." Clarke dropped a glass bowl. "Wow your house is so big." Raven says looking up the stairs. "Yeah ok away from there." Lincoln says pulling her to the living room. Clarke flops down on the couch, Raven sits on the floor and I lay down and throw my feet up against the wall. I sigh and smack my stomach. "I think I'm pregnant." I say. "Your not pregnant Octavia." Lincoln says standing against the wall. "Ehmmm. Look how fat I am, and you don't know that." I say. He laughs. "First of all your not fat and I'm 99.999% sure your not pregnant." He says walking over and pulls my arms up so I'm standing. "Ha see so there's a ... idk math but like a chance I am cause your not 100% sure." I cross my arms. "Yeah actually you know what. Your so smart omg! Your pregnant!" He says. "Whattt?! Lincoln! How could you do this to me! I'm not pregnant, Ughh. I'm never having sex with you again!" I say and sit down on the table. "Wow." He laughs and sits at the edge of Clarke's feet. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that conversation." Bellamy says. "Hey Clarke come on you need to get to bed." Bellamy says. "You guys can stay in the guest room." Lincoln says. "Thanks" He picks her up and walks to the stairs. "O. Take some Advil, give some to Raven too." Bellamy says before walking upstairs wit Clarke.

   Lincoln brings me and Raven Advil and water. "You gonna be ok on the couch Raven?" Lincoln asks her. "Yeah. Im perfecto. I'll keep Chewy safe." She says laying on the couch hugging Chewy. "My Chewy!" I say and trip over my feet to the couch. "Oookay." Lincoln picks me up before I fall to the ground. "No Linc! I need him." I struggle in his arms. "You need sleep." He says and brings me upstairs to bed.

   He puts me down in the bed closing the door and I cross my arms pouting. "Oh don't make that face." He says turning off the lights and throws me shorts and a tank top. "You are mean." I say and pull off my dress. "I try." He smiles and lays down on his side. I put my shorts and tank top on and lay down. I turn on my side and place my hands under my head staring at Lincoln. "Come here." He says and pulls me close. I smile and lay my head on his chest hugging him.

"Linc..." I whisper. "Hmm." He mumbles. "Can you take off your shirt." I ask. "Huh? What, why?" He opens his eyes and looks at me. "I like to feel your tummy. It's warm." I say sitting up. He sighs and takes off his shirt. I giggle and lay back down. I kiss his chest and trace my fingers over the ripples of his abs. "Better. Thank you." I say and close my eyes falling asleep.

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