Chapter 3

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So I tried out first POV for two chapter and I didn't love it so I apologize if it's not good 😂

Side note: I started school RIP ME



"Just let my dad know I'm going to be late, okay?" Stiles asks Scott through the phone. It's hard not to hear his disappointment, he's missing the game and letting his dad down, after all.

"You're not going to make it," I tell him after he hangs up. He sighs. "I know." I nod a little, but now is definitely not a time to dwell on Stiles, we need to know who was using Mellisas computer when that message was sent. It could lead us right to the alpha.

"Alright, go in and tell me what you find." Stiles face flickers to fear, which he tries to play off with a small laugh. "You're not coming in?" I glare at him, "I'm the most wanted man in this state because of you."

"Well, to be fair—"

"Go," I cut him off, pointing at the hospital. Stiles grumbles under his breath but grabs the door handle. I try to ignore the smell of worry he lets off, it's not my problem. But the more I remind myself the more I let it become my problem. "Just one more thing."

"Yeah?" He turns to me, hoping to be relieved of his duty or something. I slam his head against the steering was that or kiss him, I seriously have no idea what's going on with me right now.

"Ow! what the hell was—"

"You know hat that was for." He stops complaining and holds his head, smirking to himself.

I sit impatiently in his Jeep, running my tongue over the top my teeth. I'm almost eager to answer his call when my phone starts to ring.


"I don't know. No ones here, Derek."

"Look, just find my uncles nurse. Ask her for help, alright?"

"Derek, you're not hearing me. They're not here, no one is."

That's impossible, Peter is in a coma, where else could he be? Then it clicks. "Stiles, get out of there! It's him, he's the alpha. Get out now!" I'm sprinting into the building before I even think about getting out of the car.

I skid to a stop, Stiles standing between Peter and his nurse. I roll my eyes and elbow her, she's not going to be much of a problem. Stiles glances back at me. "Get down," I command. He wastes no time, dropping to the floor as I lurch at my Uncle.


Derek is thrown backwards, shattering the glass lining on the counter. Not that it's my place to complain, but I'm sure the nice people who work here won't appreciate it.

"Stiles, get out of here!" Derek roars. Before I know it, he's picking me up by my arm and dragging me in the doors direction. He pants for air, quickly checking behind us for that psychotic uncle of his.

We stop moving so I send him a questioning glance. "Go," Derek barks, pointing to the exit. "What about you?" I ask, yeah Derek's no softy, but he sure as hell cant take an alpha by himself. "I'll be fine," he growls back. Is he trying to convince me or himself?

"There's my favorite nephew," Peters voice coos, sending a shiver throughout my entire body. Derek's first instinct is to stand in front of me. When he looks over his shoulder his canines are bared and his eyes are a bright blue. "Damn it, Stiles, go!"

My attention bounces between Derek and his approaching Uncle. Derek gives me a pleading expression, so I push open the door and start for my Jeep. Is that worry he has for me? Sour-wolf just might turn out to be a soft-wolf. Probably nice and cuddly. Okay, seriously, Stiles? Now is definitely not the time for this.

I push my poor baby, aka my Jeep, to her limits as I race down to the school where Scott is. I'm tripping over anything and everything on my way in, my heart rate is probably loud enough to announce my presence to Scott. Apparently that's the least of my worries.

They're already here? I hear three voices, one that definitely belong to Derek, Scott..and a faintly familiar one.

"I was wrong," Derek states, "Peter is the alpha. It's different now."

No, nope, that can't be Derek, the word 'wrong' isn't in his vocabulary, unless he's calling someone else wrong. A part of me pangs at his sentence though. He's usually demanding and cocky, now he's obedient and distant? His voice is just...different. I'm not calling myself a Hale expert here but there's something off about this Peter guy, especially if he can go from beating Derek to being his freaking role model.


I internally groan as that damn scent fills my nostrils. Stiles. He just doesn't give up, does he? He can't stay out of it, doesn't he know that a werewolf could kill him with one little thrash? If he's not careful, it will happen. Especially with Peter around now, he doesn't care much about human lives, but I'd prefer to keep this one alive. Is he annoying? Yes. Does he push my buttons like no other? Yes. But he's also too smart for his own good and for some reason I won't let him die. I can't. It's like my wolf gets all fired up when he's in trouble. Which is kind of concerning.

I discretely slip my phone from my pocket while Peter delivers some bullshit piece to Scott about being the alpha. He honestly just loves the sound of his own voice. I bite my lip in thought. If I send the message, Peter will definitely here it, but possibly not pursue it. If I do nothing, Stiles is stupid enough to stand there until Peter does catch him, and that's bound to end bloody.

I hesitate, my thumb hovering above send. There's a good chance neither of the others have picked up his scent yet, but if he keeps standing there they're going to hear his heartbeat. It keeps getting louder. Doesn't he know we have sensitive hearing? Of course he does. But he doesn't always think things through, like listening in on a conversation he's not meant to hear. I accidentally growl, earning a rather confused look from my uncle. I press send and slide my phone back into my jacket, tensing at the 'ping' from Stiles phone.

"What was that?" Peter snarls, claws immediately at his side. "A student. We're in a school," I deadpan. My ears twitch as I listen to Stiles feet dragging away. I sigh in relief and Peter seems to not find him as a threat.

Keeping him out of harms way will be the death of me.

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