Chapter 17

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❄️Snow❄️day❄️ so I'm updating again!


Finally, finally, the dreadful time Stiles, Scott, Lydia, Allison, Jackson, Malia, and Issac called junior year is over. Some of them were just skimming by, but they're all moving on as seniors nonetheless.

Two weeks pass faster than anything ever has for Stiles. From being captured, to studying day and night, and finally getting the exams over with, it's been a busy fourteen days to say the least. Sadly, busy meant no time with Derek, no time to talk things over. Because if Stiles was doing anything with what little free time he had, it was obsessing over everything that needs to be said. Right now isn't the time though, it's preserved for celebrating, which just happens to be at Derek's loft, so he'll get his chance.

"Scottie boy," a gleeful Stiles greets as his best friend plants himself in the Jeeps passenger seat. Scott practically beams brighter than the sun as he matches Stiles bubbly expression. They've slept off the hard work of their three day exams and it's the first day of summer.

The ride over to the loft is filled with loud upbeat music, which neither of the teenagers know, but that doesn't stop them from stunning the Jeeps interior and head banging like idiots.

Scott and Stiles meet up with everyone outside, each coming in pairs of two, including Jackson, who invited Danny. They all share a glance of grins. All their faces fall flat when Derek is standing in front of the door with a blanket expression. "I hate you all," he clarifies before exposing a bottle of vodka in his hands. The group collectively cheers, immediately back to their upbeat attitudes as they march in like an army.

Derek's eyes flicker over to Stiles, who smiles faintly and gets one in return. "Come on, Stiles!" Allison waves over, gesturing for him to join as they each take their first shot of celebration.

From there on, the night is spent sending discrete flirty glances at each other, which goes unnoticed by the rest of the pack. Stiles doesn't really drink either, he has this constant feeling where he should be taking care of the pack, even though Derek is watching over them. It doesn't bother Stiles though, he doesn't have a raging urge to get drunk like the rest of them. Plus, it means him and Derek can be more obvious while the rest are oblivious.

Stiles shoots a smile over his shoulder at Derek while he's refilling a cup for Danny. Derek walks over to him as presses his chest against the teens back while "stretching" for the chip bowl. It's childish and dumb but Stiles blushes anyway, shaking his head a little.

"Stiles!" Danny whines from across the living room, making Derek pull away with a light-hearted eye roll and tipping his head in that direction.

In the end, they put in a movie so the drunk high schoolers can pretend they're going to stay up and continue partying, when in reality they're all passed out in twenty minutes.

Stiles observes everyone of them to confirm they are, in fact, asleep. Then he looks over at Derek, who is intently watching the Ghostbusters movie he put in. He crawls to the other side of the couch and into the lap of the alpha, hands draping over those broody shoulders of his. "They're all sleeping," Stiles whispers. Derek scans the room, then nods to confirm, turning back to Stiles with a soft smile that nearly melts the teens heart. "You should probably get some rest too, it's almost three in the morning." Stiles nods to agree, he's actually tired and has been for awhile, but he just wanted a few minutes alone, if you could call this being alone.

Derek leans forward to rest his forehead against Stiles, waiting a moment before pressing into a kiss. It's warm and soft, and Stiles seems to forget that Derek can be this gentle because he's usually an alpha werewolf that's giving orders and constantly tense. But not when he's kissing Stiles in moments like these, his lips are tender and slow, showing how caring he can actually be.

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