Chapter 11

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"Get off the windowsill before you break it," Stiles grouches. He doesn't have to turn around to see the wolf perched there, his shadow casting onto Stiles and the floor in front of him is enough. It has been a couple of days since the full moon, but Derek wanted to gives Stiles a few days to cool off.

"Let me explain," Derek asks of him. Stiles doesn't turn around but says, "You have two minutes, I have plans." He continues cleaning up his room, making Derek a little suspicious. Is someone coming over? He wouldn't clean up for Scott, that's for sure. 

"Stiles," Derek says through pressed teeth, grabbing his elbow so he'll stop and have a conversation face to face. "What?" He almost yells, tugging his arm back. "Why are you so pissed off, I was trying to protect you."

"Is that all it was, Derek?" He shouts this time. "Yes."

"Really? Because Issac seemed pretty secure to me. You just don't want me around when there are others, right? You're afraid they'll find out that you're screwing around with a human, is that it?"

"Screwing around?" Derek laughs dryly, "Is that all this is, Stiles?"

"Then what are we, hm?" Stiles pushes. "Why do you need a label so bad? What is it with humans and your stupid labels?" Derek growls. "I don't know, a sense of security? Knowing I'm more than just a piece of meat to a werewolf that he can naw on?" Stiles exclaims, throwing his arms out as if that will get his point across better. "Stop comparing me to a dog."

"Sorry, should I be keeping a list of things you don't like: being compared to a dog, being called sour-wolf, labels, me helping out. Anymore you can think of?" Stiles sasses, picking at Derek's last nerve.

Derek feels his wolf scratching on the inside, wanting one of those two things again: kiss or kill. He would never do the ladder, but it's an enraging urge that creeps up on him. Derek yanks Stiles in by the hip, smashing his lips down onto those pink ones. Stiles doesn't kiss back and almost instantly shoves the werewolf off from him. "What the hell are you doing?!"

A growling Derek makes advances forward, and Stiles takes steady paces back until he meets a wall, where Derek traps him by placing both hands by his head. "Don't you know what you do to me, Stiles?" He demands in a lower voice, making the teen shiver. "How you make my wolf want to pounce? I don't know what it is, but it wants you. Your smell drives it crazy." Derek talking about his wolf as a separate person makes Stiles gulp, sweat beading up at his hairline. "And when you do this, when you piss me off," he shakes his head, a dark expression still taking over his features, "It wants me to attack you, whether it's sexually or violently, both satisfy my wolf. Do you understand now?"

"Derek," Stiles whispers, glancing to his hands. He pulls his arms away, retracting his claws that left scratch marks on the paint.

A car door slamming distracts both of them. Derek smells who it his and scowls, "Malia." He leaves after that, but Stiles doesn't move. He stays against his wall, trying to figure out what just happen, make sense of what Derek had just told him.

" okay?" Malia asks cautiously. He swallows hard and nods. Needless to say, Stiles is distracted and doesn't get much studying done.


"Stiles! To what do I owe the pleasure? Something not life threatening, I hope," Deaton greets with a small smile. "Yeah, I hope it's not life threatening too," Stiles mumbles back. "Would you like to see Tank while we talk?"

"That'd be great."

Deaton returns with the puppy minutes later, and Stiles eases at the sight of him. "Tankers," Stiles smiles, sitting on the floor and being welcomed by wet kisses. "So, what is it you needed?" Deaton asks, leaning again the metal table. "Well it's more of a question really," Stiles shrugs, trying to sound nonchalant about it. "Seeking information, I see. Go on."

"Have you ever heard of a werewolf latching onto someones scent? Where the smell can arouse the wolf inside?" Deaton raises an eyebrow, "What type of arousal are we talking about?"

"Sexually and violently," Stiles explains hesitantly, repeating what Derek had said earlier in the day. "Hm, I might have an idea of what you're talking about. Has something brought this on?"

" I was just doing some reading..about werewolves," he lies, avoiding the vets eyes as he pets Tank again. "Well, if you're speaking of what I think you are, it happens very rarely, it's a werewolf's true mate. It happens once every one to two hundred years.'re sure it was just reading?"

Stiles freezes in his place, staring intensely at the ground. True mate? Is that even a thing? "Are you saying werewolves have soulmates?" Stiles stresses, because if so, then Derek was describing his wolf wrong. "Not exactly. Like I said, it's very unlikely for this to happen and even so, werewolves aren't very likely to run into this person."

"Person? So the mates are human? What if they don't get together?"

"Woah, slow down, Stiles. Are you sure this isn't personal?" Deaton asks skeptically. "No. No, just curious." He sighs but goes on anyway. "Their mates don't have to be human, but it's more than likely since the wolf-to-human ration isn't comparable. That being said, these rare werewolves typically never find their mate because of how vast their options are. A wolf in America could be pared with someone across the world, and they may never find one another. The wolf only latches onto their mate if their scent is caught."

"So what if they meet, are they destined to be together?"

"Not necessarily. Just because the werewolf has this connection, doesn't always mean the human will feel the same way. However, if a wolf pursues their mate, it's not likely they'll let them go. It's like a drug for them, and it may even take some time before they can control themselves around that person. And if the human rejects the werewolf, the werewolf cannot move on. But on the off chance that they're both shapeshifters, they'd be a so called power-couple, because they'd both feel the pull toward one another."

Stiles sits silently, now attempting to unscramble how complicated everything has become. He's Derek's mate? It explains the way Derek acts sometimes, but definitely doesn't excuse him from being an asshole.

"Did I satisfy your curiosity?"

"Uh..yeah. Thanks doc." Stiles pats Tank on the head and stands to his feet, handing the leash off to Deaton.

Stiles starts to walk away but stops when Deaton calls after him. "You know, Derek comes to see Tank once a week, do you happen to know something about that?" Stiles tenses at the name and looks over his shoulder, either Deaton is an overly observant person who can read everyone like an open book or Stiles is being overly paranoid.

"He's probably just a soft-wolf who doesn't want people to know he has a weak spot for dogs," Stiles shrugs, just praying Deaton isn't coming to the conclusion Stiles knows to be true.

"...thanks again, doc."

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