Chapter 24

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Stiles is on top of Derek, straddling his lap on the couch. Their lips move together with force, tongues battling each other. Stiles' hands move carelessly up the werewolf's bare chest, one settling in that dark hair to tug.

"Issac is here," a breathless Derek informs. Stiles takes a moment to respond, now intently sucking on Derek's neck. "So? He's already seen us naked together," Stiles mumbles. And if Stiles doesn't care, neither does Derek, he has nothing to hide.

Just for Issacs sake, Derek moves his hands to Stiles ass, squeezing slightly. "Oh—come on!" Issac blocks the view by putting a hand out, cringing. "I know you can hear me coming up!" The couple doesn't break apart, if anything, they deepen the kiss. "At this point all of Beacon Hills will know you guys are screwing," Issac groans. Derek smirks but sits up, Stiles still on his lap. He waits expectingly for whatever reason Issac decided to show up at his loft.

"I'm pretty sure Scott knows about you guys, now I see why."

"Did he say something to you?" Stiles asks, a little worried. Considering Scott's initial reaction earlier today, there's no way he's telling others anything good—probably that Stiles is in an abusive relationship and should charge at Derek with pitch forks and torches. "Nope. Just walked in muttering 'they're together' over and over to himself. He looked crazy," Issac shrugs nonchalantly. Derek sighs, then nudges Stiles with his nose to get the teens attention. He turns and willingly accepts a sweet kiss before being ushered onto the cushion.

"I should go talk to him," Derek says, standing to his feet. "Um, I'm so sure that's a good idea. Like—someone ending up in the bushes with blood trickling from every body part—not good," Stiles explains vividly, grasping Derek's forearm for further convincing to stay. "I have to," Derek states. "It only happened this morning. Maybe we should wait a day...or a year?"

"I'm going," Derek repeats, quickly pecking his boyfriend.


"Scott," Derek starts carefully after climbing through the werewolf's widow. He puts his arms out, showing he means to harm. Scott doesn't even give him a chance, he only grunts and goes straight in for the kill.

Derek's back meets a wall as he tries his damndest not to fight back. Instead, he deflects all the blows he can, finally catching the boys wrists. "Scott," he pants this time, "I'm not going to hurt him."

"He's human, Derek!" Scott spits, taring out of the alphas grasp. "So is Allison. That didn't stop you from dating her," he retorts. "That was different!"

"You're right, Stiles' dad isn't a hunter trying to kill me," Derek growls in defense. He realizes coming here was to talk Scott down, not provoke him, but Derek isn't one for filtering himself. Especially when it comes to Stiles, his wolf always howling at him to defend.

"Look," Derek licks his lips, running a hand through his hair, "There's more to this than you know. Stiles and I...we've been together since before Boyd's death. I understand what you're feeling, trust me, I've been there myself. But I wouldn't be with Stiles if I didn't think I could control myself." Derek looks dead into Scott's eyes, not something he's keen on doing while expressing feelings. "And if you accidentally bite him? If he turns into one of us?!" Scott nearly screams, clearing not finding any comfort in Derek's little speech. Derek doesn't hesitate. "No. No, I don't want this for him," he gestures between them, "It can be a gift, but Stiles doesn't want it."

"But you've thought about it, haven't you?" Scott presses, his claws digging into his own flesh. "Never. I've thought if it came to life or death, then yeah, hell yeah. Besides"

"And if he asks?" Scott questions, his voice morphing into more of a growl. "If he really wants it? If he's one hundred percent sure, and thought it through, that's his choice," Derek tells him honestly. Would he be skeptical of the idea? Definitely. But it's not his decision. "He'd be your beta."

"He'd be my mate," Derek automatically corrects. Scott flinches at the word, then scoffs. "Mate?" He echos back, "What if changing Stiles makes him...different? What if he didn't want to be your mate?" Scott snarls.

"Actually, I think turning me would kind of make it official. Well, more official than it already is. Since I'm his mate now, he'd just be more of my mate than he already is," a nervous voice intervenes. Both werewolves snap in its direction, watching Stiles smile awkwardly in the doorway to Scott's room. "Mates are actually a thing?"

"Yep. Kind of a leading factor in our relationship actually," Stiles shrugs, "Simply put, he's stuck with me by some supernatural force and therefore, bound to protect me. Hence why he's in your bedroom right now." Scott's attention bounces between the two as if they've gone completely insane. "Ask Deaton if you don't believe me, Scotty. It's a thing."

With a heavy exhale, Stiles moves across the room to Derek. If explaining all of this isn't going to work, then Stiles will pour his freaking heart out and prove it.

"Listen, despite my self-destructive tendencies, this is good for me. Derek..Derek is like my safe haven, okay? Being with him makes me calm and feel safe, like a child hiding from a thunderstorm or something. Yeah, he's grumpy and bossy but he makes me happy, Scott. And believe it or not, this guy has a heart. He may be all broody and tough around the pack, but he's gentle and caring and—"

"I think he gets it," Derek interrupts, pointing to Scott's softened expression. Out of everything he could pick from the rant, Scott cocks and eyebrow and says, "Gentle?"

"You bet, watch this." Without warning, Stiles wraps a hand around the back of Dereks neck and pulls him down. Derek's first reaction is link his own hands to Stiles waist, lightly kissing back. He shies away from Stiles' pink lips a moment later, meeting prying brown eyes.

"See?" Stiles grins in victory, patting Derek's chest. He stays like that, slightly turned into Derek as if they're taking a cheesy prom photo. Derek rolls his eyes, but holds him there, thinking Scott might just yank him away.

"We're not asking for your blessing here, Scott, just that you accept it," Stiles says honestly, "Do I want my best friend to be happy for me and be the person I can talk to about my alpha boyfriend? Of course I do, man! But if you need time or whatever, I get that. I just—I need you to understand. Do you remember me helping you sneak around with Allison? I know it's not the exact same—"

"It's okay, Stiles, I get it," Scott smiles weakly, "No, I'm not thrilled that Derek is your boyfriend of choice, but if he means that much to you..." he trails off. "He does," Stiles confirms.

"Then I guess I'll have to get used to it."

A few days later a pack meeting is called, officially announcing Stiles and Derek's relationship to everyone. As expected, there is teasing from the girls and one outburst, Jackson.

"Seriously?" Jackson scoffs, "You're fucking Stilinski?" Derek crosses both arms over his chest, leaning over his beta. "Dating," he corrects with a smirk. "But also fucking," he adds a moment later. Stiles muffles a laugh, hanging his head to cover his rosy cheeks. That's the first time he's ever called Stiles his boyfriend out loud.

After the general commotion dies down, Derek announces something else—something Stiles didn't even know about. A pack vacation. He tells them about this cabin on a lake that his mom bought, it's where they used to go on pack getaways.

"It's settled, then. This weekend. We all meet here on Friday, we'll leave ten o' clock sharp."


Merry Christmas
Happy Kwanzaa
Happy Hanukkah
Happy New Year

Happy Holidays everyone :)

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