Chapter 18

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Stiles swings his keys around his index finger, trotting toward the door. "Stiles!" Noah calls from the kitchen, immediately making the teen tense. "Uh, yeah dad?" He calls back, mentally praying for his dad to let him go. "Come here for a minute."

Stiles rounds into the kitchen, now clutching his keys. "You've got that 'we need to talk' sort of tone, and I can assure you dad, whatever it is, wasn't my fault." The sheriff only glares at his son and points to the dining room chair across from him. He sighs but plops down. Before his dad can spark up whatever conversation their about to have, Stiles messages Derek to say he's going to be a little late.

"Who are you texting?"

"No one, it's just Scott," Stiles lies, little ones don't really bother him, it's the bigger what's that nag in his mind.

"So," Stiles starts awkwardly, rhythmically strumming his finger against the wooden table, "What is it?"

Noah is hesitant to start. "The night after you were kidnapped—"

"I wasn't kidnapped dad, I told you that—" his dads warning glare makes him shut up and bow his head. "The night you came back...I didn't want to say anything because I knew you were having a hard time."

"Say what?" Stiles quizzes, wishing his dad would just spit it out. "When I got back from the station...I came in to check on you." Stiles pales in realization. He gulps and takes it back, he wishes his dad would pretend he never saw it. "Stiles...there was a man in your bed. That or a very built woman. So, is there something you need to tell me?" He gives his son a sad smile that makes his stomach sink and his hands tremble. "I—I think you already know," he chokes about in a rough voice in an attempt to keep down his tears. He can't meet his dads eyes, not when he's looking at Stiles like that. "Stiles, I'm going to need you to say it."

"That I like guys? Why do you need me to say it, dad?" Stiles let's his hurt expression be passed onto the sheriff. "So you're gay?"

"No," Stiles replies after a moment, "I'm bisexual...I just happen to be with a guy. So technically yes, because I'm in a gay relationship...but I still like girls. Not right now, since I'm with someone, but I do." Noah frowns slightly, which almost makes Stiles cower. Stiles doesn't understand that his dad is upset because he didn't think he could tell his own father this, that even now he's afraid and rambling on like something is going to change between them.

There's a long pause, making Stiles fidget uncomfortably in his seat. "Bisexual," he finally echos, "Thank god, because you're definitely not gay dressed like that."

"Wha—!" Stiles looks over his clothes and glares at his father, "What's wrong with my clothes!" Noah laughs softly and gets up, patting Stiles on the shoulder, "Nothing son." Then he sighs and leans onto the counter with a shake of his head. "There's still one thing bothering me."


"Why didn't you tell me?"

He opens his mouth to reply, but nothing comes out. He honestly doesn't have a solid reasoning behind it, just that he didn't want anymore to change. "I don't know."

"You know I still love you, right?" His dad says seriously, finally turning around with a compassionate expression, "Because I do." Stiles stands and wraps his dad into a bone crushing hug, tears pricking at his eyes. "I'll always love you, son," Noah promises, holding onto Stiles even tighter. "Thanks, dad," Stiles smiles, wiping just under his eyes to get rid of the stray tear.

"Now, about that boyfriend of yours," The sheriff raises an eyebrow and Stiles' eyes bug. "Heh. One step at a time. Now before you have more questions, can I go?" Although he wants to press it, he gestures his kid to the door, shouting a curfew that he's bound to break.

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