Chapter 4

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RIP any sort of updating schedule I might have had if it was still summer.

I think this chapter is edited. I mean, I hope so since I've read it like 20 times. But it's almost midnight and I'm too lazy. I might read through it tomorrow. Idk why I'm still talking. Enjoy the chapter (maybe 🤷🏼‍♀️).



I stand impatiently on the side of the road, hugging my red hoodie closer to my body. I take a step closer to the stray puppy, who lets out a whine/growl. I sigh and move away again, the last thing I want is to scare the poor thing off.

The sound of an approaching car catches my attention. "Just stay here boy, okay? Or girl, whatever, just stay." I turn to greet a frantic Derek, who's looking around us like a mad man.

"What is it? What's the emergency?" He questions. This ought to be a fun conversation. "There's this dog—" I start, but Derek is already scowling at me. "A dog, Stiles? You texted me about a dog?" His sharp voice demands. "He's lost, okay? Or maybe he's stray. It doesn't really matter, he needs help," I explain, but I'm sure even that isn't going to make it through Derek's rough exterior.

"Stiles!" He barks, "It's the middle of the night. I have better things to do with my time." Now it's my turn to glare at him. You'd think someone like him would have sympathy for this puppy. "Put yourself in his position, Derek. You were a lone wolf, how was that? Not too good I'm assuming, because you warmed up to a cold hearted bastard the first chance you got." A little overboard, probably, but Derek has to know he's in the wrong. I mean..Peter?! He may be family, but he's also the person who killed Derek's sister, his own niece for crying out loud.

My thoughts all die down when Derek is standing inches away from me, his noes almost touching mine. His dark eyes glare into mine. "Don't ever compare me to a dog, got it?"

"Protective, loyal, growls, runs on all fours. What's not to compare?" I grin. Clearly he's not amused, but he never is. "Do you want me to help the stupid dog or not?"

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry," I sigh. I gesture him over to where the young pup is, backed against a tree and shivering. Derek observes the situation and shrugs. "Why can't you deal with it yourself?"

I roll my eyes at his reluctant behavior. Seriously, he flashes his eyes and hands me the dog, can't it ever be that simple? "Because he's afraid of me, genius. Doesn't your nose pick stuff like that up?" Derek eyes me up and down, as if to read me. "Yeah," He sasses, "It does." Who knew werewolves could be such divas. I roll my eyes at him again, I wonder if he's picking how annoyed I am.

"Derek, would you just bring me the dog?"

He crosses both arms over his chest and sends a smug look my way. "If you're gonna be such a smart ass about it, you can get him yourself." Oh the nerve this guy has. "Fine," I state. If he wants to be this way, I guess that's how it's going to be. Though he could go home, he doesn't have to stare at me.

I take baby steps forward but each one makes the puppy whine louder. "It's okay," I coo, which doesn't really help any. I can almost feel Derek smirking at the back of my head. With only two feet, if that, between us, I reach one hand out so he can sniff me. Instead, I'm greeting with a high pitch bark as the dog leaps forward and snaps its jaw at me.

"Ouch!" I yelp and fall backwards, holding the side of my hand. Derek responds quicker than I imagined he would, his teeth bared as he growls at the dog. It whimpers in response and takes off into the dark forest before I can protest.

"What the hell are you doing?! He was scared, Derek! Now he's going to be killed in the woods by god knows what! Do you have any compassion at all?" I await his answer with judging eyes but his expression doesn't change from that usual stone look. Honestly, I'm surprised he hasn't tried to kill me yet. I did text him to meet me here, and I've done nothing but insulted him the entire time. Don't get me wrong, everything I said was true, I just figured Derek would have ripped my throat out or something.

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