Chapter 23

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"What did you want to talk about?" Stiles quizzes casually, lounging comfortably on Derek's sofa and scrolling through Instagram. Derek plucks the phone from his hand and sighs. "Hey—" Stiles goes to protest, then notices how serious of an expression Derek has. "Okay, I'm listening," he pats the cushion next to him, nervous Derek equals nervous Stiles.

Derek, however, doesn't sit. Instead, he paces back and forth, rubbing the back of his neck. "Seriously, Der," Stiles grabs his arm to stop his walking. Stiles gets that he does it, but he's hyperactive, Derek is usually still and calm—so the exact opposite of how he's acting. "What is it?" Derek quickly leans forward, capturing Stiles' lips in his own. Although it's unexpected, he kisses back gently.

When their foreheads are resting together, Derek takes a shallow breath, keeping his eyes closed. "Do you believe in soulmates?" Derek asks quietly. Stiles nearly chokes on his air, caught off guard by the question. Yeah, he may have known about them for a few months but still. "Um, why? Do you? In which case, yes I do. But if you don't, then no. Totally ridiculous," he chuckles nervously. "Werewolves can get, so-called, soulmates. Otherwise known as mates. It rarely happens—I've never seen it...but you just know. My wolf knows."

"What're you saying, Derek?" Stiles gulps. Of course he had that talk with Deaton, and has his suspicions, but there's no way Stiles could know for sure. "I'm're my mate," Derek mumbles, carefully intertwining their fingers. "Can I tell you something? If you promise not to get mad?" Stiles questions. Derek nods a couple of times, still having yet to open his eyes. "I sort of knew—not officially, I mean, how could I? But I asked Deaton about it awhile back, after the day with Malia coming over and you explaining your wolfs wants or whatever. He told me about mates and how they work, but I didn't know. Not for sure," Stiles rambles slightly, clutching Derek's hands tighter in fear of him letting go. He only takes a breath, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Honestly? I was afraid it would freak you out or something. Hell, the idea of it freaked me out," Stiles admits. "And now?" Derek asks softly. "Well it's scary as hell, but as long as you're good with it, so am I."

"It's not like I have much of a choice." Stiles pulls away with those words, his eyebrows knitting together. "Not like that, Stiles," Derek sighs, "Of course I want to be with you, but the human gets a choice in feeling this, I don't."

"What if I wasn't your mate?" Stiles inquires. "I can't answer that. Besides, you are, so 'what if's' don't matter."

"Really? What if I cheated on you?" Stiles challenges. He never would, of course, but he's making a point. "Then I wouldn't forgive you," Derek states. "But Deaton said that if a werewolf is mated, that they'll never move on."

"It's true, but there are exceptions to everything, Stiles. Mate or not, we still have feelings," Derek rolls his eyes, definitely not liking where this conversation has led. Just the mentioning of Stiles cheating makes his wolf itch. Apparently Stiles takes notice and steps closer, kissing Derek on the cheek with a sheepish grin. "It's a good thing I'd never cheat on you then, huh?"

"Good thing," Derek echos in a quiet murmur. "And hey, my dad doesn't hate you since you saved his life and all. He's still a little confused on how you found him, but he's grateful nonetheless."

Stiles heads for the bathroom a couple minutes later, leaving realization to hit Derek like a brick. Stiles is his mate and accepted him.

With that in mind, he pushes the door open and snakes his arms around Stiles while he's washing his hands. "May I help you?" Stiles raises an eyebrow, looking at Derek in the mirror. "No," he responds, kissing alongside the teens neck. Easily distracted by Derek's lips, Stiles doesn't even notice when he accidentally sticks his cast under the running water.

"Well that's going to be annoying," he mumbles to himself, in turn, shutting the water off. "I'll get your mind off it," Derek smirks as his fingers slip under Stiles' shirt and he rubs circle into his hipbones, now nipping at Stiles collar bone.

Just as Stiles is starting to enjoy himself, Derek pulls away with an annoyed expression. "Scott's here."

"Of course he is, leave it to Scott to interrupt us whenever he can," Stiles grumbles, "Just see what he wants while I figure out a way to dry my cast." Derek agrees and places one last kiss on his neck.

He reaches the main space just as Scott is letting himself in, a sneer on his face. "Nice to see you too," Derek greets, eyeing the other werewolf suspiciously. "Where is he, Derek? Where the hell is Stiles?"

"The bathroom. Why?" Derek bites back, folding both arms over his chest. "My mom told me Stiles has a fractured wrist. He came in with you, the same night you found his dad," Scott's voice is accusing, and Derek is picking up what he's insinuating. "Your point?" He growls. "You don't think I haven't noticed, Derek? The random bruises he tries to hide from me, and every time I come here his heart is pounding and he smells afraid," Scott's claws pop out from under his sleeve, his breathing growing short. "Come out and say it Scott," Derek demands, taking an intimidating step forward.

"I leave you guys alone for a few minutes and a cat—well dog—fight breaks out? What's it about this time?" Stiles groans, his left hand holding his casted arm. "Stiles, get over here. Now." Stiles gives his best friend the most bewildered look he can pull, instantly asking, "Why?"

"I know what he's doing to you," Scott snarls, sending a glare to Derek. "What do you mean, Scott? Derek hasn't done anything." He simply points to Stiles wrist, which he then attempts to cover. "Listen, I don't know what you think happened, but I hit him," Stiles defends. "Why did you hit him?"

"That's none of your business," Derek intervenes, going to stand next to Stiles, only Scott growls and takes a step forward to stop him. "I don't get it, Stiles. Why are you protecting him..after what he's done to you?"

"Which is?" Stiles presses. "I don't exactly know. What I do know is that you come home with bruises that you don't want me to see. And every time you're around him your heart is pounding. If you're so scared of him, why protect him?"

Stiles sends a fast glance to Derek, because if Scott is thinking that Derek is hurting him, they're going to have to come out and tell the truth.

"It's not what you think," Stiles sighs, this time he makes the move to Derek, standing right next to him. "Then tell me what it is," Scott says through pressed teeth. "Well, uh, we're sort of...together?" Stiles explains. The beta only tips his head to the side, he's either utterly confused or in denial. The teen uses his good hand to grab Derek's, giving Scott a nervous look.

"You're lying," Scott deadpans. "Nope, I'm really not. This alpha here," he pats Derek chest, "Is my alpha." Derek smiles a little, but doesn't add to the explanation.

McCall stumbles back a step, claws retracting as his eyes flicker between the two. "The—the night after Boyd...when I came over..?"

"Yeah...he wasn't trying to kill me or anything, we were sort of, uh..." he trails off with an awkward chuckle, attention dropping to the floor. "Say it, Stiles. Say it or I won't believe you—can't believe you."

"I don't think you want to know," Stiles responds honestly. "Say. It."

"Fine. We were fooling around, okay? Would you like an in-depth essay explaining every detail of went on?" Stiles barks. Scott shakes off the comment. "And the bruises?"

"Yeah...those are hickeys..."

"So you two," he gestures between them, swallowing hard, "You two are dating?"

"Mates, actually," Stiles corrects. Scott looks like he might have a heart attack, instead though, he takes off.

Derek and Stiles stare at the door for a moment, then at each other.

"Well that couldn't have gone worse."

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