feelings and hard times

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^Outfit for Sammi above^

Sammi and the gang ended up in the old mining town, where her brother had been not to long ago, and they were feeling more down than ever. Especially Sammi. Heather Jasper How has really done a number on the gang.

"So, what's your assessment, Velmster?" Fred asked breaking the silence between the group. "This place seems harmless enough. I mean, whether the Evil Masked Figure could've gotten his randamonium... ...from here at the mine?" Fred continued and Velma looked at Fred after she quit zoning out.

"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about Patrick. He seemed so upset when he left" Velma said and Sammi nodded. She felt bad for her friend. She was tired of the gang being torn and she thought giving Heather Jasper how a piece of her mind would help, but it didn't help. It didn't help with her feelings either.

Sammi doesn't know, but Daphne had heard every Heather said to her and was going to talk to her about it later. But Sammi wasn't the only one Heather had talked to. Daphne tried to do the same but failed like Sammi had. No matter what the gang did, the world just seemed to be against them.

"Right, so..." Fred asked and Velma continued. "And... he doesn't like me" Velma said and Sammi nodded along numbly. She wasn't listening to a word anyone was saying. " Okay. So your assessment is?" Fred asked trying to get back to the mystery and Velma looked at him with sad eyes.

"Love stinks" Velma said and Sammi nodded again. Fred looked at her and he knew something was wrong. "Fred? Do you think I'm just a pretty face?" Daphne asked since her boyfriend wasn't there. Sammi didn't even care anyways. She was in her own world of self doubt.

"No..... I mean, yes. I mean, not fat! Definitely not fat. Is this sort of what you're looking for?" Fred asked and the gang sopped as Daphne thought about what Fred said. "Fat? Why would you even use that word?" Daphne said and Velma and Sammi felt sorry for Fred. He just said the wrong thing.

The gang then entered the building the old mining town had and Wickles was conducting a meeting. "Ah ha. Old Man Wickles, caught red-handed in your foul monster-making scheme. With your ugly, evil henchmen" Fred said and all of the men came out of the shadows.

"Henchmen? Young man, we're investors, and we're listening to his pitch" One of the me said and Fred shut his mouth. Sammi pat his shoulder and Fred relaxed under her touch. Sammi noted this and would ask Fred if he was alright later.

"So as I was saying... ...the Old Tyme Mining Town, a summer camp for kids... ...where they can have an authentic mining experience. They can dig for 18 hours straight, just like in the golden days of yore. They have the time of their lives, and we get free miners!" Wickles said at the end with a little laugh.

"Mr. Wickles, we need to ask you about your ties to recent monster attacks" Velma said and Wickles let go of the investors shoulders. "I know nothing about no monster attacks" Wickles said and Sammi stepped up. "Then how come there was randamonium on the floor of your mansion?" she said and Daphne nodded about to say the same thing.

"There's randamonium all over the place. I come home with it in my shorts" Wickles said and Sammi shivered. She didn't really need to know that. "Yeah, could've went all my life without knowing that" Sammi said and Wickles glared at her.

"My bad" she said and raised her hands in surrender. "Are you continuing the work of your old pal Jonathan Jacobo?" Fred redirecting the conversation back to what it was. "Old pal? Jacobo? We hated each other. In the prison cafeteria, he used to steal my Tater Tots! And he got the lead in My Fair Lady" Wickles said.

"Then why did we find the monster book in your library?" Velma asked and Wickles' face had a look of realization. "Wait a second. You're the runts what vandalized my home. Which one of you stole my toilet brush?" Wickles said and one of the investors cleared their throat.

"Gentlemen" He said and they all started to leave one by one. "What happened? I haven't finished! Wait, fellas!" Wickles said confused as to why the investors were leaving early.

"Well I like your jacket" Sammi said to Wickles and he looked at his jacket that was red. He looked at her weirdly and she shrugged. "What did I say wrong?" Wickles asked as he pointed to the door talking about the investors leaving.

"Probably should have left the toilet brush thing out" Sammi said and Wickles looked at her. "Just saying" she said and an explosion could be heard.

"What now!" Sammi said as she and the other ran to the elevator to investigate. When they got to the basement part of the place, they saw a hole in the wall and smoke was all over the place.
Hey guys! So this chapter is a little bit shorter but this part wasn't long in the movie anyway. Also I hope you liked it anyways. I have been working on my other stories that I had lost motivation for but I got it back. So hope you loved it. See you guys in the next chapter! Bye!!!!!!🤩

Scooby Doo and Sammi 2: Monsters Unleashed (Fred x Oc) Where stories live. Discover now