Tags! tags! Wonderful tags!

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So as if you couldn't tell by the title, I was tagged. I was tagged by a person who is writing a Supernatural book that I am reading and so I decided to have that picture up just for them.(probably would have put it there anyway).

So here are the rules that I screenshot, because I am to lazy to type them all.

So here are the rules that I screenshot, because I am to lazy to type them all

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So I was tagged by: Wham_Bam_Sam

And here are ten things about me:

1. I love the color pink

2. Scooby Doo was my favorite show growing up

3. I have a lot of siblings ( 1 half sister, 3 half brothers [two are adopted], and three step brothers. I also have two other boys that I call my brothers but yeah that is it.)

4. My favorite show is Supernatural

 My favorite show is Supernatural

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5. I love to sing

6. Skillet is my fav band(along with Shinedown, Three Days Grace, Nickleback, and Breaking Benjamin)

7. I don't like Coffee (I get called unamerican because my whole family loves coffee)

8. I like to color

9. Harry Potter lover!!!!! (Ship Harry and Hermione- if you couldn't tell in the last chapter)


10. I love to preform on stage

And there is my ten facts. So here are the people I am tagging....


That's it for tags. Took me forever. One person I was following, it wouldn't let me tag. Oh well.

My joke....

Probably getting tired of the Supernatural stuff

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Probably getting tired of the Supernatural stuff. Again I regret nothing.

Now here is the Spoiler.. (part of one of the chapter's for this book or next😏)

Sammi smiled as she looked at her dress. She couldn't believe it. This is going to be an awesome day. Carol, her newfound friend, was touching up her hair as Juliet ran around frantic trying to find Sammi's brother, or more known as her boyfriend.

Sienna, or Sea, was chuckling to herself as she watching Juliet ran back and forth as she paced. "That's it! I'm looking for your brother and if I find him already eating I am going to hurt him" Juliet said before walking out the door.

Sea, Carol, and Sammi looked at each other before bursting into a bunch of giggles. Sammi shook her head as she looked in the mirror. Carol finally finished and set down the curler. "Done!" She said and bent down to Sammi's height, since Sammi was sitting down, and smiled. "Fred is going to drop dead when he sees you" she said and Sammi couldn't help but smile at her. This day couldn't be more perfect.

That is it for now. You guys can guess to see what the spoiler is but it won't be announced until it is in the book. So that is it for now. See you guys next time!!!

Scooby Doo and Sammi 2: Monsters Unleashed (Fred x Oc) Where stories live. Discover now