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The gang walked through the hole in the wall and found a secret lair with a big machine the seemed to have a green glow. The gang looked around in wonder and saw every costume that was stolen from the museum there.

"Look! It's all the costumes" Sammi said as she pointed to the clothes like line. "Zombie" Brady mumbled as that was his first real case with the gang. He didn't like zombies much. He had to many nightmares of them.

"Miner 49er" Shaggy whimpered as Sammi grabbed Fred's hand. Fred looked down at her and he could see the worry on her face. She didn't like the Miner 49er case as much. "Captain Cutler" Daphne said as she pointed to the costume hanging on the line.

"I bet they're all here. He must have used the costumes to make real monsters, which implies..." Fred said before Sammi continued. "He needs the costumes to make the monsters, which implies..." Sammi said before Brady finished. "He already had a Pterodactyl Ghost costume somehow, which implies..." Brady said before Velma's eyes widened.

She didn't want to say what she thought but she did anyway. "Patrick's the one" Velma said in a whisper and Sammi and Daphne awed. "Vel's in Love" Sammi gushed and Velma shook her head. "No, I mean the one. The bad guy. That's why he wanted to go out with me. To see what we knew" Velma said and Sammi's smile dropped.

"We just saw Patrick at the bad guys' hangout. He was working both sides of Psycho Street" Shaggy said and Brady nodded like a mad man. "I don't know who is behind what is going on, but we can't let them make any more monsters" Sammi said as Fred nodded at her.

"Let's find a way to shut down this monster-maker for good" Fred she before Fred, the girls, and Brady went to a hallway before spitting up. "Holler if you find anything Shaggy!" Sammi yelled as she and Brady took one hallway, Daphne and Velma took another, while Fred took the last one.

Sammi sighed as she looked at the walls of the place, holding her arms like she was cold even though she was wearing a jacket. Brady looked at her strangely before clearing his throat. "Are you okay?" Brady asked as Sammi nodded while she bit her lip.

Brady gave her a look that he wasn't buying it and Sammi sighed knowing Brady wouldn't give up. "You know you can tell me anything right? I mean you are my best friend" he said and Sammi smiled at the ground.

"I just don't want the bad guy to create the Miner 49er ghost again" she said and she bit her lip again. Brady thought she was going to say more but she didn't, so he spoke up. "You know..." he stated and Sammi groaned knowing he couldn't just leave it at that.

"... You never told me what happened on that Miner 49er case. Just saying" he said and put his hands behind his back before looking at her. "Are you hinting you want me to tell it, cause it's not happening" Sammi said before Brady gave the puppy dog eyes that he knew Sammi couldn't resist.

"Why do you have to have those eyes! Why couldn't you be like Scrappy and have no puppy dog eyes what so ever" Sammi said and looked away before looking back to see if Brady stopped. When she turned he still had them and she huffed. "Fine!" She said and Brady smiled in victory. "So it was just a regular night..."

Sammi and the gang, except Brady(since he wasn't a part of the gang yet), were driving along and Sammi sat in back. Sammi had her head on Shaggy's shoulder about ready to fall asleep when Shaggy shook her.

"Hey we're here" Shaggy said and Sammi nodded sleepily. She got up and exited the van before rubbing her eyes to wake up a bit more. The town was creepy and had old buildings that made noises every time you walked on a board.

Sammi looked at the Ranch that was in front of her. She heard a howl and looked around until she saw a old mining tunnel boarded up and blocked from anyone to enter. Normally she wouldn't be scared but she had a weird vibe about this place. She knew if she was scared her brother was off worst than her.

Scooby Doo and Sammi 2: Monsters Unleashed (Fred x Oc) Where stories live. Discover now