Weird stuff that glows!

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Shaggy, Scooby, and Brady had gone down an elevator that seemed to lead them down to a laboratory. Brady and Shaggy looked around in amazement and Scooby looked around until he found a refrigerator. "Wowee, Scooby-Doo! I think we're onto something. It's like a huge laboratory" Shaggy said and Brady puts his hands up.

"What am I chopped liver?" Brady asked and Shaggy nodded as he looked at the walls. Brady's throat was dry and he saw Scooby doo getting into a refrigerator. He walked over and looked through the containers of assorted liquids. "Lemonade" Scooby said and licked some out. Brady saw what Scooby was drinking and took a sip himself.

Brady started to feel a tingling and he felt a weight on his back and he hunched over. "Hey, Scoob! Brady! Check out these weird letters" Shaggy said and looked back at his two friends. Brady had turned into the hunchback of Notre' Dame and Scooby doo had turned into a squid-like monster.

"Scoob? Brady?" Shaggy asked and Scooby and Brady turned to look at him. "Hey Shaggy" Brady said with a grunt and Shaggy shrieked. "Scooby-Doo, Brady, you two turned into a couple of freaky monsters" Shaggy said and the two looked in a mirror before screaming. "What kind of creep would make that kind of drink" Brady said and tried to wipe out the liquid of his mouth.

"You don't eat stuff that glows. There's got to be an antidote in here somewhere" Shaggy said as he moved Scooby out of the way and looked through the fridge. he found a container with blue liquid and he gave it to Scooby and Brady to drink. He had, however, spilled some on his hand along the way.

"Try this. It looks medicinal" Shaggy said and Scooby and Brady took a drink of it and Shaggy liked it off his hand. "Tastes like-" Shaggy started to say before he, Scooby, and Brady started to shake and change again. "Strawberries" Shaggy said and turned to look at the mirror if he was still ok. "I'm okay guys" Shaggy said before he looked down at his chest.

His eyes grew wide and he turned around. "I've got a chick's body!" he said before he looked at Brady and Scooby. "I'm the Tasmanian Devil!" Scooby said and Brady looked at his now long hair. He looked at his now muscular body and gasped as he saw the jacket. "I'm Sam Winchester!" he said and he felt really tall now. (You knew I had to add that in there ;)

Brady danced around a bit and Scooby spun around like a mad man. Shaggy quickly looked through the fridge, his movements being more feminine now as he moves. He threw one liquid back not thinking it would help and he quickly picked one and splashed it on the two, who ended up drinking it, and Shaggy drank the rest of it.

The three started to change again and Shaggy ended up looking like a WWE wrestler, Scooby looked like a dog version of Einstein, and Brady was even more Hairier than he was a minute ago. He had turned into bigfoot. "Check it out, dude! I'm buff" Shaggy said and Brady groaned. "I want to be Sam Winchester again!" he said and went to get another to try to be Sam Winchester again.

Scooby stopped spinning and grabbed two containers of liquid and he began to mix them. "My God. It seems as if I've become ludicrously intelligent. It's awful! I long for the blissful ignorance of my former self. Chasing cats, licking my own rear end, eating my own vomit. Those were wonderful times" Scooby said as he mixed the liquids and Shaggy flexed and smacked his own butt.

"Dude! Not here man" Brady said and shielded his eyes. "Check out my pecs, little man!" Shaggy said and Scooby let out a frustrated sigh. "Hush now, buffoon. This is a highly combustible synthesis" Scooby said as he about finished the mixture. "A what?" Shaggy said confused on what Scooby just said.

"I'm going to transform us back!" Scooby said now finished with both sides and Shaggy took one. "No way, geek! I'm gonna stay this way forever" Shaggy said before he threw the it at the wall and it blew up in their faces. It blew a hole in the wall and the three ended up on the opposite wall.

The elevator made a noise as it came down and revealed the other half of the gang. Brady felt embarrassed and hid has face from site. "Careful, gang" Fred said as he came into view. "This "Schwarzeneggian" oaf almost destroyed us" Scooby said and the other half the gang looked to see Shaggy, Scooby, and a Hairy ball on the wall. "Go boom" Shaggy said and Brady took the cure from Scooby.

Brady sprayed it on himself and Shaggy and Scooby took back and drank it himself. They all shook and turned back to normal. Daphne's eyes widened as she realized her boyfriend was the big hairy ball. "That was almost exactly like my freshman year in college" Shaggy said and Sammi shook her head at her brother.

"What are you guys doing here? You're supposed to be sick, Scooby" Sammi said and Shaggy gulped. It was bad when Sammi was mad. He had a broken nose before of her. "I invented a potion" Scooby said and Velma rolled her eyes before looking around the place.

"You lied to us. We're a team. You don't just go off half-cocked doing whatever you want" Fred said and Velma found a clue. "Hey gang" Velma said and Sammi looked over in her direction.

""Beware who enters the Monster Hive. Inside your fears will come alive."" Velma said and Sammi went over to look at the hieroglyphics above the door. "Let's check it out! Shall we" Fred said and held out an arm for Sammi. "We shall" She said as she and the rest of the gang entered the mysterious room.
Hey guys. I know I am a little early but to be honest I though it was Friday. That and I felt bad for not updating on time. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed the little Sam Winchester thing I put in there. I mean you guys had to see that coming. Anyways see you guys next week!!!😍

Scooby Doo and Sammi 2: Monsters Unleashed (Fred x Oc) Where stories live. Discover now