file forty-three

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"You have a visitor again, Uri," a guard said.

"Again? Who is it this time? Is it the same guy from last time?" she questioned.

"It's the same guy who used to come every week. Is this guy the father?" the guard asked.

Uri sighed. "Does it matter? Just take me to him already."

The guard chuckled. "Finally. It took you three and a half months to break down."

The guard unlocked it, sliding the door open and walking in. She walked over to Uri and extended a hand to help her get up. Uri shook her head and got up on her own. The guard let Uri walk ahead and followed after Uri.

She held onto Uri's arm. "I can't let the other guards know that I favor you. In you go."

Uri walked to the table—trying to shield her stomach as much as possible—where Taehyung was sitting at and Uri scrunched her eyes as she took in the man in front of her.

"Are you really Taehyung?" she questioned. "Look at you in your fancy suit and tie."

Taehyung grinned. "It's hard to take in, isn't it?"

Uri snorted. "That's what she said."

"Uri," Taehyung warned.

Uri rolled her eyes. "You were always a party pooper."

"I've gotten better," he mumbled. "I have to deal with talking to people for the company."

"You mean, being social?" she retorted.

"Yes, that. I've gotten better at being social."

"Are you still drinking?" Uri asked.

"How do you think I find the power to order people around?" Taehyung asked.

"I can't picture you ordering people around. It's so unlike you."

"I know, but I tried to learn from you. You helped me become braver. I look up to you," he admitted.

"You shouldn't say that any louder. They'll think you want to take after me and start kidnapping people," Uri joked.

"Hey, if the company starts to fail, then I know what to do," Taehyung said.

"Your sense of humor has gotten better."

"I have a friend."

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