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Month One, Year One


The dead silence is what woke him, a macabre quiet that had engulfed the world and a white-noise hummed in his ears. Slowly he shook off the shackles of a rest that was incredibly tranquil, so undisturbed by the physical world that he felt like had energy untapped before. Yet deep in his belly butterflies stirred and the world felt tainted, barren of life or structure.

Raising up his head from the uncomfortable pillow he had made from his study utensils Silas's long black hair hung in his face and it was pushing it aside he noticed the four-legged table where he had been seated for class, the hardwood leaving his jaw feeling sore and his teeth aching. On his right he noticed Emily Grey staring straight-through him, her chestnut brown hair with blonde highlights framed her resting-bitch-face made of sharp lines but even that made her look attractive only aided by her slim figure with small bosom and ass. Looking to his other side Silas saw Nate Greene as he too showed the same confusion, his sun-red hair hung in short waves as his face was made up of curves and pudgy edges with his skin almost untouched by the sun but just as pudgy as his facial features which showed through his clothing, he was a friend that Silas would consider a true friend.

Shooting his gaze towards the front, in that moment everyone else followed and they all witnessed as the writing scrolled across the whiteboard was stopped mid-sentence, the teacher's bags and utensils sat untouched by the side his desk and the windbreaker he had worn into the class sat folded across the back of his chair. Yet there was no sign of the teacher, his usual place at the front of the classroom was vacant with no indication for where he had gone.

Silas picked himself up wobbling a little but hoping nobody saw his moment of weakness before moving towards the door, it was at the window on the door that he got a peak of himself. Silas was just above average height with a pudgy body figure, his mildly long untamed black hair hung loosely around his face, his face was set with smooth features until it came to his jaw which was set-thick. He didn't usually checkout his own reflection but this time it was like he was making sure everything was where it should be. Grabbing hold of the doorknob and peeking out into the large carpeted hallway, Silas saw a number of others doing the same. All of them giving a shrug to signal that they had no idea what was happening but that meant that something had happened to all of them as well.

'What the fuck?' Silas Chapman.

He whispered this to himself but everybody noticed his mouth formulating words. Everyone's mouth started formulating words but none knew what questions to ask like Silas didn't know what questions to think of, those butterflies felt like they had grown an extra few inches inside his belly. Regina Simpson a plain dull redhead who had more than once indicated that she had feelings for Silas started to voice herself just before Nate cut in by accident asking.

'What's happening Amigo?' Nate Greene.

'I don't know.' Silas Chapman.

He took another peak outside, the other classes appeared to be full of younger years than his class which was packed with school seniors getting ready to leave, no doubt they were looking for guidance that his year could not give. The only person from his class that could fake calmness in this situation was Dominic Marcuse a tall pale haired guy who was a member of the Student Council, even though his gawkiness often made him awkward to talk to. Then came the barrage of questions that everybody started throwing about, with Dominic intercepting and answering most of them.

Reviewing his memories, Silas remembered before falling asleep they were reviewing what they had been learning the entire year so far, it was a boring lesson yes but he wouldn't have fallen asleep during it he was sure of that and considering that he had never fallen asleep at school even during some classes that were beyond boring. He remembered waves of tiredness beating on him but then nothing, he didn't even remember lying his head down on the binder in front of him.

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