Chapter 6

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Michelle's POV

"Christian come on lets go!"

"Coming mommy!"

We were going to Kristen's house for the day. Liam wanted to see Christian again and I could say no with the way he ask so sweetly. Christian came down the stairs with a big smile on his face and ran to the car.

"Mom lets go!" He said getting into the car, funny how I was telling him the same thing just minutes ago.


"Let me help you" Jayden said.

"Thanks babe" Kristen said to her husband

"Jay how often do you cook?" I asked him

"On Tuesdays and Thursdays and maybe Saturdays"

"Impressive, so is it almost done?"


"I'll set the table" Kristen said

"I'll get the boys" I said

I walked towards Liams room and I heard them laugh. I entered the room and found them playing with Liams cars and and lego.

"Guys go wash your hands lunch is ready"

"Okay" they said in unison and ran towards the bathroom.

I entered the kitchen and helped put the food on the table. My phone rang and I hurried to pick it up.


"Hello is this Miss Fields?" The lady asked in a french accent.

"Speaking,how can I help you?"

"Je suis...oh pardon me" she said sounding embarrassed

"Non c'est bon"

" suis secrétaire d'Ian Martins"

"Oh bonjour, comment puis-je vous aider?"

"J'appelle en ce qui concerne l'interview"

"Oh, oui quoi?"

"M. Martin se demandait si l'interview pouvait être demain"

"C'est dimanche demain"

"Il a dit que c'est un dîner d'affaires, son traitement."

"D'accord, dis-lui que je le lui ferai savoir"

"Bien sûr, merci"

"Pas de problème, au revoir." I ended the call.

"You still speak french?" Jay asked

"Yeah, well to people that know the language of course"

" Je me souviens encore de la langue" he said

"C'est parce que tu étais dans ma classe de français au lycée" I said chuckling.

"Hearing you guys speak French makes me wonder why I never bothered to learn it" Kristen said, on the other hand I couldn't help but chuckle at what she said.

Everyone was now at the table eating and just enjoying each others company. The boys were making us laugh when they tried to say 'please' in french. The rest of the day was spent playing games altogether.

Kristen and I were in the kitchen preparing dinner when I received a text from an unknown number, I frowned as I read the text.

Unknown: I was wondering if we are on for tomorrow?

I texted back

Me: And you are...?

Ian: Sorry, its Ian

Me: Oh, I haven't thought about it yet

And why not? He texted back

Me: I'm a bit busy now, can i let you know later?

Ian: Sure, no problem

After dinner, Kristen and i cleared the table and loaded the dishes in the dish washer. After much deliberation, i took out my phone and texted Ian.

Me: Hey, we can have the interview tomorrow.

It was like he was waiting for my text cause he replied instently.

Ian: Great, I'll text you the name of the restaurant.

Me: Okay, see you tomorrow.


Phone call translations:
"No, its fine

"Okay...I'm Ian Martins sacutary"

"Oh...hello, how can I help you?"

"Im calling in regards to the interview"

"Oh, yes what about it?"

"Mr Martins is wondering if the interview can be tomorrow"

"Its Sunday tomorrow"

"He said its a business dinner, his treat."

"Okay, tell him that I would let him know"

"Sure, thank you"

"No problem, bye"

Jay and Michelle's french conversation:
" I still remember the language"

"Thats because you were in my french class in high school"

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