Chapter 7

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Michelle's POV

The interview with Ian is in forty five minutes, he texted me the address of the restaurant this morning. Since I don't have a babysitter for Christian I asked Kristen to watch Christian for me because Lilian (our housekeeper)had the weekend off.

I'm in my closest still deciding what to wear. I already freshened up and applyed my makeup which consisted of mascara, eyeliner and nude lipstick mixed with lip gloss. I straightened my hair and left it down, now the only thing outstanding was my outfit. I checked my phone for the time and realised that I need to make a fast choice but I also needed help, so I video called the one person to come to the rescue...Kristen.

"Hey whats up" she said

"I need your help"


"I have two dresses that I picked out but can't decide which one to wear and the dinner is in forty minutes."

"Okay, show me your options"

So I put on this black velvet dress that stopped just above my knees. It exposed my shoulders and was long sleeved.

"This is the first dress"

"Its cute but doesn't show off that hot body of yours, what about the other dress?"

"Give me a sec..."

I quickly undressed and put on this red dress that was tight around my waist and it hugged my hips and brought out my curves.(see picture above)

"What do you think?"

"Thats the dress, thats definitely the dress,you look hot, and your curves DAMN!"

"OKAY OKAY!, So I stick to this dress?"

"HELL YEAH!" she exclaimed with a smile on her face. Jayden came beside Kristen and his jaw dropped slightly

"DAMN MICHELLE!!!" Jayden said

I blushed

"Okay I have to go, I'll see you later"

"Enjoy" she said and I ended the call.

I walked towards the shoe section of my closest and grabbed a pair of beige hills. I looked in the mirror and I decided I was happy with my look and I made my way out the house.

I walked into the the fancy restaurant and headed to the little reception desk with a young lady wearing a black dress that stoped by her thigh and a pair of black hills, she wore a smile on her face as I approached her.

"Good evening ma'am do you have a resavation?" She asked

"Hi, did Ian Martins make a resavation?"

"Yes he did, follow me." she said and I followed behind her.

She lead me toward a table that was set towards the back of the restaurant and there sat Ian. Her wore a black suit that hugged him in all the right places and looked really expensive and he wore a black tie to go with the suit. Ian stood up from his seat and walked towards me.

"You look beautiful" he said scanning my body from top to bottom.

"Thank you" I said smiling.

He pulled my chair out for me to sit and he took his seat too. A waitress came to our table.

"Good evening, my names Riley and I'll be you waitress tonight. Here the menus, I'll give you some time to look through it." She said and left our table. I looked though the menu but I couldn't decide what to have. A few minutes later Riley came back to take our orders.

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