Chapter 12

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Unknown POV

She's still the same beautiful girl. My darling. Long black hair and beautiful brown eyes. It's been four years since I've seen this girl. She's been on my mind everyday since she left me. And that little boy, he looks just like me. How could she not tell me about my son?. I've been following he for months and i still feel drawn to her just like before.

I want her back. And i always get what I want.


Michelle's POV

I woke up with my body pressed against a hard chest, the person had their arms wrapped around me. I turned to face the person and I was met with Ian's sleeping face,he had his eyes closed and looked at peace.

I don't remember falling asleep at all but as i looked around I realised I'm in the living room. I heard Christian knocking at my door and shouting.

"Mommy!" He shouted and knocked.

"I'm down stairs baby, get ready for school" I shout back.

I looked at the time on my phone, it read 06:55am. I put my phone down and looked at Ian only to have him starring at me amused.

"Good morning" he said and I can't help but love the roughness in his voice.

"Morning" I said and got off the sofa we slept on. "I need to get ready for work and take Christian to school, I'll have Lillian make you something to eat, I don't want you to starve at work"

"Thanks, its nice to know that you care for my well being "

Rolling my eyes at him, I shot him a smile and left the room to go upstairs. My phone vibrated in my hand, Lisa was calling me.

"Hey Lisa"

"Good morning, where are you?"

"At home, I have to take Christian to school and I still need to get ready"

"Okay, you have an hour to get ready,drop Christian off at school and get here"

"An hours all I need" I said and hang up. Making my way up the stairs I called for Lilian.

"In Christian's room!"

I entered his room to see Christian putting on his shirt. His eyes lit up when he saw me and charged towards me.

"Morning mommy!" Christian said wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek.

"Morning my baby, did you sleep well?"

"Yes, did you?, you missed dinner."

"I did baby, don't worry mommy's fine...but we need to leave the house in forty-five minutes, do you think you can be ready by then?"

"Is this a race mommy?"

"We can make it a race if you want"

"Okay, if I have to buy me a new aeroplane, and if you win...I'll buy you your favorite chocolate" he said

"Okay little man, you have yourself a challenge" I said smiling at him.

"Lillian, Ian is downstairs, can you make him something to eat for breakfast, I'd hate for him to work on an empty stomach"

"Oh no problem my dear,now are you two ready?" Lillian said starting the race that Christian and I agreed on.

"Yeah!" Christian said enthusiastically

"Okay...on your marks, get set...GO!" Lillian said

I go to my room and took a shower, I set my clothes out on my bed and started on my makeup as i was going for a natural look as always. I put my hair in a high pony tail and i put on my white blouse, its sleeves ending on my elbows, and paired the blouse with striped pants and topped off the look with a pair of red hills. I sprayed myself with my favourite vanilla perfume and looked at myself in the mirror,I was happy with my look, so I grabbed my bag and head downstairs. (look at picture above)

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