Chapter 14

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Michelle's POV

It's been two weeks since the spring event and I've been stressed with work. The business article about Ian is finally complete and it will be finalised by the end of next week.

Christian on the other hand is growing up real quick, he'll be five in a few days and I've been hearing non-stop about his birthday. He is clearly excited about his birthday. I was planning to throw him a party, his school class mates were invited as well as family.

Its Saturday and i feel so lazy and tired, Christian came in to my room a while ago and was lying down beside me playing on his iPad. I could feel my eyelids close as sleep was threatening to overcome me once again.

Just ten minutes, it won't hurt...right?, i thought to myself as i allowed the sleep to take over.

I felt something on me but i ignored it. The thing came back a few second later but this time on my neck, I tried to push it away but i felt nothing. I continued to sleep but this thing came back.

"Christian stop" I whined. I heard chuckling beside me and then I felt something soft on my lips. Opening my eyes slightly to see whats going on, I was met with lips connecting with mine in a sweet, gentle kiss. There was only on person that had soft, addictive lips...


I pulled away from the kiss and looked at him. He wore a white tight shirt and a pair of black jeans with superstars. His hair was messy like he ran his hand though it multiple times, it was that sexy kind of messy and i liked it. He came closer to me and sat at the edge of the bed.

"Morning baby" he said in a sexy rough voice.

"Good morning" I say back with a smile, "How did you get inside the house?" I asked confused as to how he go in.

"Christian open the door for me, I called your phone and he told me that you were sleeping, so i told him to come open the door for me." he said. I nodded and sat up and pushed my hair back.

"Have you eaten breakfast?" I asked him.

"Nah, i was hoping to have breakfast with you guys" I smiled at him as i got out of bed. It was only then that i remembered what i slept in. I wore a spaghetti top with a pair of really short pajama shorts that i can say looked like underwear. I looked at Ian, only to have him already looking at me. I blushed as i looked away from his stare.

"Damn, you have a sexy body" he said

"Thanks" I said confidently "You should take a picture instead of staring. You do know starring is considered to be rude babe." I told him with a smirk. I grabbed my robe that was on the single sofa and put it on.

"I'm gonna go ahead and pretend i never heard a word you said."

"Okay then" I said and made my way to the kitchen to make breakfast.


"Tu me manques aussi" (i miss you too) I said. I was on the phone with Alyssa, a friend I met in university. She moved back to France after she got her Degree in Psychology. She was originally from France and seeing how I learnt french in high school, it was easier to communicate with her.

"Comment allez-vous, les gars?" (how you guys?) she asks

"Nous sommes bons, Christian grandit très vite"(we're good, Christian is growing up real fast)

"Oh mon Dieu, quel âge a-t-il?"(oh my goodness, how old is he?) she asked

"Il est quatre maintenant, mais il sera cinq dans quelques jours" (he's four now but he'll be five in a few days)

"Wow, je ne peux pas le croire" (wow, i can't believe it)

"Ouais" (yeah)

I looked outside and I saw him playing with Ian. He has the biggest smile on his face.

" Quelle heure est-il là-bas?" (what time is it there?) i asked

"Ses sept heures ici" (its seven o'clock here) she said

The boys come in the house laughing as Christian sat next to me on the bar stool and Ian stood on the other side of the island.

"Ah d'accord" (oh okay) i said causing Ian to look at me. He had amusement written all over his face.

"Comment va ta maman, elle me manque?" (how's your mom, i miss her)

"Elle est bonne, toujours très humoristique" (she's good, still very humorous)

"Envoie mon amour à elle s'il vous plaît" (send my love to her please)

"Fera, je dois y aller, je vais rester en contact d'accord?" (will do, i have to go, i'll keep in touch okay?)

"Bien sûr, je t'aime, garde la sécurité" (of course, love you, keep safe)

"Je t'aime, au revoir" (love you ,bye)

"Au revoir" (bye) I said and ended the call.

"Mommy, what does that last word mean?" Christian asked

"It means goodbye" I told him

"You speak french?" Ian asked

"Yeah, I learnt the language in high school, I only speak the language with people that understand like your PA for example."

"Mhmm, interesting" he said as he came closer to me. I could feel his breath on my neck as he said "You should speak the language more often, it sounds really sexy" he told me.

I blushed at his remake and made my way to the fridge to get things for a sandwich. I looked at Christian and Ian who were sitting beside each other and me being girl i am, i shamelessly ogled my boyfriend and because i wasn't discreet, Ian caught me staring at him.

"You should take a picture instead of starring. As you know starring is considered to be rude babe" he said, saying the words i said to him earlier.

"Whatever" I said to him and give Christian his sandwich.

I was cleaning up the mess when I got a call from an unknown number.


"Did you miss me darling?, cause i sure as hell do." The man said and I dropped the glass that was in my hand causing it to crash onto the floor.

"Who are you?" I asked. I was starting to feel apprehensive all over again.

"You'll find soon darling. Very soon." And he hung up.

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