Chapter 17

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Ian's POV

"Babe where are you call me back, please"

Christian and i have been waiting for Michelle to arrive. The road she was on cleared up two hours ago, we've been at the restaurant since. I've left her numerous calls and texts but she has not replied.

"Ian where's mom?" Christian asked me as he finished his fries.

"I'm not sure buddy, hopefully we'll hear from her soon. You ready to go?"

"We're not gonna wait for her to come?"

"I'm taking you to my office, I'll tell mommy to come there okay?"

"Okay, lets go."

We paid the bill and left the restaurant. As we were walking to my car, Christian let go of my hand and ran towards a car that was parked at the side of the road.

"This is mommy's car look the toy you got me for my birthday is in the car." he said and it was indeed Michelle's car. Something is not right here.

"Mommy's bag!" Christian shouted from behind me. Her things where in an ally but she was nowhere in sight. I took her bag and saw an envelope with a note in it.

Give me the boy and no one gets hurt.
I took put my phone and quickly called Jayden. "We have a problem...Michelle's missing."

Its been hours now and there's still no word from Michelle. Everyone was at Michelle's place as we figured out what the hell was going on. I'm freaking out right now, this is not what I imagined would happen the day I come back from LA. I was supposed to protect her, keep her safe at all times. I feel like I've failed her. My phone buzzed in my pocket, I was shocked to see the caller ID.

My baby girl❤(Michelle)

"Babe where the hell are you?" I said and everyone stood up abruptly waiting to know where she is.

"Ahh you must be the boyfriend, nice to finally meet you."

"Where's Michelle?" I asked sturnly

"With me of course. We had the best reunion for not seeing each other in five years." He said "She really is something hey."

"Look, I'm not in the mood for playing and joking around just tell me where Michelle is. If it's money you want, I'll give it to you. Just give me a number."

"Thats tempting but I'll pass on your offer. What I want is the boy. My son."

"Your son?" I said in astonishment.

"Yes my son, Christian is my son and I want him."

"Over my dead body are you going to have Christian."

"Okay, we'll just do it the hard way isn't it Michelle." he said and the sound of her shouting in agony rang through my ears.

"Stop!, Dean please stop!"

A message came through and I opened it only to see a picture of Michelle tied to a chair with blood everywhere. She looked so weak and in pain.

"Stop hurting her!. Lay another hand on her again and I'll make sure you never breathe again."

"You don't have the luxury of calling the shots here...i do. Now give me what I want." And the call ended.

"What did he say?" Greyson asked

"He wants Christian, he said Christian is his son. He has her tied up in some room and she looks badly beaten up." I said as I showed them the picture. "His name is Dean I think and he's not after money, all he wants is Christian."

"How do you know it's Dean?" Kristen asked

"As he was hitting Michelle, I heard her shout for him to stop and she called him Dean."

"Dean? As in the guy that physically assaulted her?"

He physically assaulted her?

"It could be, I mean there is no other Dean we know except for him."

"Why does he want me?" Christian said from behind me and everyone looked at him. He walked to me and asked "Who is he?"

"Honey come here." Michelle's mom said and Christian went to her. "Your mom was taken by a bad man. Now this bad man did a really bad thing to mommy and you came into mommy's life."

"I know" Christian said causing everyone to look shocked. "Mommy told me that she was young when she had me and that I was a surprise to her. She also said she didn't know where my dad is but she told me she loves me even if i was a surprise."

"Yeah you were a surprise, and we all love you."

"I love you all too but who is this bad man?"

"Honey, the bad man is your dad."

"My dad?, the man that left mommy?"

"Yes, that man."

My phone beeped with a message from an unknown number.

Tomorrow at 1pm I should have what i want.


The Next Day

"Are you sure this is going to work?"

"Yes I'm sure, so this name tag has a tracking chip on it. Just put it on Christian's shirt and we'll monitor the movement on the screen here."

"Thanks Dominic for helping, it means a lot."

"No problem man, I'm glad I could help."

Christian came into the room from the kitchen with Amber. The plan is to comply with what Dean wants and thats to give him Christian. He sent me the place were we should leave Christian. With the tracking chip on Christian it can lead us to where Michelle is. We made the name tag the same colour of Christian's shirt which was black. This would make it unnoticeable.

"Okay guys lets move we don't have much time left." Greyson said and we left the house.

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