Chapter 19

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Michelle's POV

Dean kept his eyes on the the road the whole time. Not once did he utter a word. I was at the back seat of the car with Christian beside me. When Dean told me to go to the car earlier on, I couldn't get up due to the pain I was feeling. He got really mad at me and kicked me for wasting his time. Christian had ran to help me. I could see the look of terror in his eyes. I had forced myself up and walked in pain to the car.

"Your gonna love the house sweetheart. Everything is perfect for us." Dean said as he look at me through the review mirror. Christian put his head on my arm. I looked down at him and smiled sadly. My son doesn't deserve this in his life.

I'm sorry Christian. I'm sorry you have to go thorough this.

As i looked away from him, I noticed a black label with the words: "Christian fields" written in white. It was stuck on the inside of Christian's black shirt at the back. I rubbed his back and felt a small square chip. Christian looked at me and whispered in my ear softly so that he wasn't heard.

"Its for Ian so he can find us." He said and I smiled at him. I wonder if Dean knew about the label on his shirt, by the looks of it he didn't.

"We're here, get out the car." I opened the door and got out slowly as every muscle in my body hurt. Christian got out and closed the door.

"Where are we going?" Christian asked

"To another country, far away from here. We're going to England to live together as a family son. Don't you want that?"

"No. I want Ian, he's my dad not you." Christian said and I was shocked at his statement. He thought of Ian as his dad. By now I could tell Dean was getting upset.

"What did you say son?"

"Stop calling me that!. Your not my dad and I'm not your son!, I want Ian!." Christian said as he shouted at Dean.

Dean as furious as he was, lunged towards Christian and hit him on his face. Christian fall to the ground as he cried.

"You listen here boy, I'm your dad and you will not talk to me that way. Do you understand?"

"Leave my son alone Dean!. Don't you ever lay a hand on my son!."  I said as i walked to my baby who was crying on the floor. Before I could get close to Christian, I was yanked away from him and strangled.

"You of all people should know that i hate being told what to do. Now I'm going to tell this to you once...get inside the aeroplane."

"Let her go!" A deep voice said.

"Damn it!" Dean shouted and dropped me to the ground with force. I struggled to regain my breath as my throat was already sore.

"Give Michelle and Christian back to us."

"Why would I do that?" Dean said and he pulled out a gun and pointed it out to me.

"The cops will be here soon to arrest you and you have nowhere else to run."

"It's a good thing they're coming, they can can help deliver some dead bodies to their families. Starting with the little man here."  Dean said as he aimed the gun to Christian. With the last bit of energy I had, I jumped in front of Christian as the bullet hit me instead.

"Mommy!" Christian called out as he held my hand in his. Anthor shot was fired at Dean as it hit him on the leg. The police ran and cought him.

I heard the faint sound of an ambulance and a deep voice calling out my name before darkness consumed me.

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