Chapter 10

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Michelle's POV

"How was the event?" Kristen asked

"It was amazing, I loved every minute of it"

"Thats great, glade you enjoyed it"

After Ian dropped me off at home last me night, got out of the dress and put on my pyjamas. I couldn't get Ian out of my head the whole night. Everything about him was just amazing. He is the kind of man I pictured myself with, the kind i wanted to what kids with too. Weird?, i know.

"So when are you meeting Mr.Hot shot?"

"I don't know but on the bright side we have an interview to finish so.. soon"

"One question, do you like him?" Kristen asked and was was taken aback by her question.

"Well, do you?"

"I'm attracted to him, I just want to know him better before things get serious, I'm not saying things will get serious cause I don't know how things will turn out but yeah."

"I'm happy for you, you finally found someone to make you happy. He's doing a great job, even better than the jerk Dean that turned out to be a creep."

Dean was the last guy I was in a relationship with. He was a great guy at least thats want I thought after he assaulted me. After him, I gave up on relationships but i starting to reconsider that thought.

After lunch, I fetched Christian from school, he refused for me to drop him off at home so he came to the office with me. He played on my Ipad as I worked.


"Yes baby" I said while typing in my laptop.

"Were you and daddy in love?" He said making me stop typing and look at him.

"Christian, where is this coming from?" I said standing up from my chair and sitting on the double sofa in my office next to him.

"I just wanna know, Is daddy going to come soon?"

"Christian...there is something you need to understand okay?" I said with tears filling my eyes.


"I don't know were your father is, I had you when i was young."

"How old were you mommy?"

"I was nineteen. Your father and I never knew each other."

"So...I was a surprise?"

"Yeah, you were a surprise to me but  I love you Christian, from the moment I saw you, I loved you. Your my everything and I'm happy your my son" I said as my tears flow down my cheeks. Christian wiped my tears away and gave me a hug.

"I love you too mommy, your the best mommy ever. Where ever daddy is, I hope he's sad for leaving you alone." he said looking at me in the eyes, he kissed my forehead and hugged me again.

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