[chapter 2]

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The League's hideout wasn't a very lively place. It was a dull-lit bar attached to an old, abandoned housing unit, meaning there was scarcely enough room for all ten of you. They gave you all two rooms upstairs, the five younger kids staying in one and the five older kids in the other. This was only because the rooms were so small that all ten of you couldn't have possibly fit into one- if the younger kids hadn't stopped complaining, you all would've been sharing a room.

You'd been there for around 3 days now, staying in a room with H24 and three girls. J12- age 14, D5- age 17 and C3- age 18. The girls weren't much happier than you and H24, if anything, it was him that attempted to do most of the talking. J12 did contribute, but she was always shaking and sounded like she was about to cry, so it wasn't easy talking to her. D5 was bad tempered, constantly pissed off about something, so conversation with her was out of the question, and C3 was just plain weird.

Despite rooming with them, the only person who's quirk you knew was C3's, and that was because it was on display constantly. She had a third eye on her forehead that stayed closed all the time, yet was on full display between her white middle parted bangs- you didn't know what the details of her quirk were, but third eyes were usually tied to future vision and stuff, so you'd be willing to bet that she was some sort of oracle.

D5's quirk was complicated- she had a strange physical appearance, but her quirk itself was a mystery to you. She had dark skin and electric blue hair that sat in short, messy dreadlocks around her neck. Along all of her joints were stitches, whether they were due to her quirk or otherwise, you couldn't tell. All in all, she had the appearance of a raggedy doll. As for J12, you weren't even sure if she had a quirk at this point. She was plain looking- brown hair and eyes, a bit short for her age, but that was it.

H24's quirk wasn't something you could exactly name- he produced a sound wave that could travel up to 100 ft when he clapped. The volume of it depended on the strength of his clap, but you'd seen him shatter glass, push through solid steel and make people's eyes and ears bleed due to the pitch. You knew not to get on his bad side, at least, but the same could be said for any one of the ten with you. You tended to stay out of everyone's way.

Either way, the five of you hadn't tried at all to get to know each other. Not that you were expected to. You simply nodded at each other when passing by around the League, fought against each other in quirkless combat, and that was it. At least you wouldn't have to work with anyone when you attacked USJ.

Speaking of, you weren't sure when that was going to happen. 'All for One', the leader who had yet to show his face to you, was apparently waiting for the right moment. You were becoming less and less patient as time went on, you just wanted this attack to be over and done with. Not that you were getting bored- that never really bothered you, you were just concerned as to what was going to happen after the attack.

You couldn't imagine the League would have much use for all ten of you afterwards, caring for ten children was troublesome, even if you weren't really doing much for them, so you didn't see them exactly taking you in. All you knew was that they needed you all for the attack, and that they saw each and every one of you as some sort of expendable pawn. In a sense, they were right. You were just ten villain kids- your deaths would have no impact on the world. As for you, nobody would even be affected by your untimely demise. You had no friends, no family; as a matter of fact, you didn't have anyone who had ever thought of you in a positive way.

This didn't exactly sadden you. If anything, it relieved you. Because of your situation, it would be all too easy for you to run away and start a new life. There was only one thing holding you back- the chip.

That was also the only thing keeping you from thinking of an escape during the USJ attack. The moment they found you gone, they'd press that dreaded button. The spike would jam through your throat, and you'd die a slow and painful death. Unless...

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