[chapter 3]

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Kill the kids? You didn't sign up for that. At least all you'd be doing is blocking the signal. You all watched for a moment as the students and teachers panicked, until Shigaraki caught on that they were about to use a kid with an electric-type quirk to try and signal for help. He pushed you forwards and let go of your shirt.

"That's your queue. Do whatever you need to do to keep them from getting backup." You nodded wordlessly, turning around to take in your surroundings. If that guy had an electric type quirk, you didn't really mind fighting him, so you decided to take him on. Spotting a closed control panel that likely powered the USJ, or at least part of it, you ran towards it and phased through.

You found yourself faced with a choice of wires, quickly zapping through one that lead to an extra bundle of wires in the floor where the students were. You zapped out of the wire and phased through the floor, pulling yourself through with some effort and crawling up a few feet away from the electricity quirk kid. Not wasting a second, you stared at him with a completely blank expression and charged at him.

His hand was against what looked to be a pair of headphone sitting on top of his head, and you knew that must have been what he was using to try and break the signal. You savoured the look of terror on his face for a moment, before jumping up and shifting into your usual strange bolt of green energy to phase into the headphones. It didn't take much to break them- you just messed up some of the circuiting, drained some energy from it and they were already letting off little green sparks. You zapped out of them and landed on the floor a foot or so away from the boy, just as he threw the headphones off his head with a yelp.

They let off a few more sparks before fizzing out and dying, leaving him to do nothing but meet your dead-eyed stare in fear. That fear somehow turned to pity as he continued to stare at you, and you raised an eyebrow and glared.

"H-how..." He tried to stammer out, his voice cracking as he spoke. "How old are you...?" Your eyes widened a little. Why the hell did he care? Why did your age suddenly matter? You couldn't answer- you didn't know how, you simply glared at him and turned back into your little green spark, zapping into the wall to search for something to help jam the signal with. Kaminari simply stood quietly for a moment, staring where the malnutritioned boy with the cold stare of a robot was, until someone approached him.

Meanwhile, your heart was pounding with nerves as you zapped from wire to wire in the USJ walls. You didn't understand anything- but you understood the way he looked at you. Pity. He felt sorry for you, and you hated it. It made you feel weak. You just wanted to get out of there and never have to see another living person again.

Wasn't that a bit impossible, though? You didn't understand yourself. You wanted to live a life where you never had to speak to or see anyone- where you never had to see anything, for that matter. You just wanted to be alone forever in a place where nothing could hurt you ever again.

'Death,' you stopped in the middle of a wire, your tiny, glowing form flickering. 'What you ask for is death. There is no existence that allows you to simply float in nothingness for all eternity- that is called death.' You didn't move. Your body stayed completely motionless as you let your mind fall into existentialism in the wall of wires.

Did you really want to die?

It seemed like the closest thing to what you wanted.

You couldn't be hurt anymore if you died.

It was like you said- nobody would notice if you suddenly dropped dead. Nobody would feel sad. Nobody would miss you. There wouldn't even be any consequences. You didn't legally exist- they could throw you in a ditch to rot and it wouldn't matter. There would be no grieving father dealing with the pain of losing you, no broken mother crying over your grave, no siblings feeling alone and empty after you're gone. You really were in the perfect situation.

A Spark of Hope [BNHA x Male! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now